For my Thursday Family Dinner, I choose an Earth Day/garden theme. I used a dark green tablecloth covered by a second, lace, tablecloth. My everyday Pfaltzgraff Tea Rose dishes lent their pastel florals and I coordinated marigolds in decorated peat pots as my favors. Just for fun - I am serving dirt pudding with gummi worms as dessert.
I purchased my dining room chairs at an auction last fall. I convinced my poor son to spend a freezing cold afternoon in a drizzling rain while we waited until the entire contents of a house were auctioned - the furniture last. There were so few hardy souls left by then, that I ended up with TWO truckloads of winnings to cart home!
I am new to tablescaping and new to blogging, too! I really enjoy looking at everyone's lovely tables and find them very inspiring.