We now have the son and daughter-in-law rehearsed, decorated, wedded and celebrated and they are sunning themselves in the Dominican Republic! And in the middle of all that - I actually set an ENTIRE Autumn Table!
We will start with the table. Bill featured a "rustic" table last week. Mine is VERY rustic. I am not sure about it's absolute beginnings, but I know it spent at least fifty years residing in the breakfast nook adjoining my gramma's kitchen. It is a maple table, built in the style of a picnic table and does have two matching benches. It sits four comfortably and was such a perfect fit in the nook, I would not be surprised to find it was made for that spot! The top is one solid piece of maple, or at least it was until about fifteen years ago when it traveled to my house. It now has a split that keeps growing, but I love every inch of it! I bought the placemats several years ago, I think at Big Lots.

My dishes are my Pfaltzgraff. Since I have no time or inclination to cook this week, and because we are still feasting on leftover beef and chicken, I have filled the plates with teeny tiny miniature gourds and pumpkins that helped decorate tables at my older daughter's wedding five years ago. I placed a few silk leaves between the layers of the plates and sprinkled the rest on the table.
The metal napkin holder with leaves was purchased several years ago on the clearance rack at our local Hallmark store.
I am linking to Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday. Please visit at http://betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com/ I can't wait to see all the Autumn tables! And I can't wait to start decorating for Halloween!
And with Colorado Lady at http://coloradolady.blogspot.com/2010/09/vintage-thingie-thursday-vintage_29.html for Vintage Thingie Thursday.