Thursday, February 23, 2023

Fly High Little Blue Bird

 20 days ago, one of the teachers who is in my daughter's pod had a birthday party for her four year old. Her older daughter, her baby daughter and three little cousins attended. One hour later, the baby suffered a seizure. 

20 days ago, the baby was lifeflighted to a children's hospital when the seizure didn't stop. 

20 days ago, the baby began treatments and tests to try to see what was going on and why this was happening. 

7 days ago, the baby's family found that, through genetic testing, a very rare condition had developed and that this would prove fatal to their little blue bird. They also found that the four year old has a 25% chance she has the same untreatable condition and that her oldest sister has a 25% chance she is a carrier and could never have children. 

Today, that little blue bird flew home to heaven from her mother's arms.  

Her mommy and daddy are asking for 3 for B. 

Please pray for someone or send them good vibes. 

Please tell someone what they mean to you or how they have impacted your life. 

Please do an act of random kindness in memory of Baby B.

I am so heartbroken. 

Mommy posted this early this morning: 

2/23/23 - Take the family pictures, don't hold off on a single thing. Take vacations, make the memories, take walks, play, live; all of the rest can wait. I put off getting"professional" family photos, waiting until B's first birthday to do all of it together. I waited too long! I was always worried about being sure the house was tidied up, laundry done, and everything prepped for each day;
I lost time with my babies. If you haven't learned anything through this journey, please take away the point of making each moment count, nothing is more important than the memories made and the moments spent together laughing and being present.
B is peaceful and that makes me at peace holding her body wrapped in mine. I play every song that you all send and pray over her with your words of love. She is such a fighter, and continues to be so strong. I can't truly fathom this is happening when I can feel her warm body tucked into mine and her heart beating under my cheek. I continue to pray for miracles and Gods peace simultaneously. But, right now she's peaceful and in my arms life still feels perfect in a sick way. Thinking of what is coming and navigating the future is overwhelming, makes me physically sick and is suffocating. So, for now, we listen to our worship music snuggled and intertwined. You will have to pry me from this bed. 💙🙏🏼


  1. I have no words for this other than expressing sadness and sorrow.
    Every day counts.

  2. Such sadness, prayers for B and all who loved her.

  3. There just are no words during a tragedy like this. I will pray for this family and your daughter too.
    Blessings and love,

  4. Truly heartbreaking. May Baby B rest in peace and may her family find strength and comfort during this difficult time. Prayers for the sisters. May they be healthy and well. Blessings to all.

  5. There is nothing I could say that would take the pain away. I will try and live life to the full, cherishing each moment spent with family and friends. Write down your memories and treasure each and every moment spent together.

  6. I am so sorry to read this....I am heart broken for this family....Sending prayers for them....

  7. This is so heartbreaking. I am praying for this family as I write. Prayers for the sisters that they stay healthy..

  8. Me again! Just wanted to stop by and thank you for all your visits and kind words!!

  9. So heart breaking. Truly sad. I can't imagine losing a child, and then to know others have a risk of getting it as well, what a stressful thing for them all to endure. A friend recently lost her husband and during his long illness she reminded us all to enjoy each and every minute. As the mother said, make memories!
    Sandy's Space

  10. We got a little bit of snow last night and we might be getting more on Monday and Tuesday...I guess Winter is not over for us here...Glad that you liked the crafts I did...I hope you are having a great weekend!!

  11. Me again!! Thanks so much for all your visits and kind words!! Happy Spring!! I hope you are having a great week!!

  12. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Happy spring.

  13. Popping in to say hi, and hope things are getting a little easier for you. Just making my blog rounds.
    Sandy's Space

  14. Me again!! Thanks so much for stopping by as often as you do! I truly appreciate it!!
    I hope you are getting some nice Spring weather...I was able to get some yard work done!!
    Happy April!!


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Miss Merry