Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Summer is Whizzing By

I am pretty astounded that we are already into the second week of July.  I always have so many summer plans and now it seems like I may not be able to cram everything in - Again, LOL. 

Here is my latest photo album! 

I had my annual Mimi Camp for my grandkids the last week of June. Our theme was "Not My First Rodeo" since I had done a Cowboy Camp before half of these kids were born. 

Decorated the house, including the powder room and the dining room. 

It was hotter than an oven the first day so I planned on lots of water and ice treats. 

Water pistol fights

Our local splash pad


Tie Dying

These were the water pistol refill tubs

We started Day 2 showing off our shirts

Added two teen aged cousins and went to the movies in the AC. 

Had our last minute slot for a formal camp photo shoot. 

But Day 3 was the big day. I found a farm about an hour away that has a special event on Wednesday where you can feed animals, ride a pony, a covered wagon and a feed barrel train, and more. It was everything I hoped for and the weather was tolerable. It was everyone's favorite part of camp. 

After spending 2 1/2 hours that morning, I found a great park for a picnic before heading home. 

And made some trail mix and hung out until time to leave. 

My youngest daughter hosted lunch after our town's Fourth of July parade and my children reminded me that all five of my children were in the same space at the same time.  I was allowed to take a photograph but not post their photos. 

And today was $5 movie day again so the youngest seven grandchildren, two mamas and I went to see the new minion movie, first enjoying a lunch of minion chicken nuggets, courtesy of Aldi and my stash of candy eyeballs. 

We haven't used our amusement park passes for a while because it is so HOT!! Hoping the humidity takes it's own vacation soon. 


  1. I don't know how you do it. You must be exhausted when you wave them all goodbye.

  2. What a wonderful camp with your grandkids. I bet they had loads of fun. Not a dull moment. Everything was so well planned.

  3. Miss Merry, what a wonderful post. Loved seeing these pictures. You don't just brighten your families lives you brighten ours as well!

  4. You are the very best grandma ever! You do go all out. This looks like a wonderful time. Your grandchildren will carry loving memories of you into eternity.

  5. You are definitely making Memories for those Kiddos that they will always Cherish. They did a great Hippie Job on those Tie Dye Shirts. *Winks* Loved your Theme, you went all out in spite of the Heat. And Yes, July is whizzing by too fast, but, I do think everyone is ready for Fall with the Record breaking temps everywhere, it's expected to Officially be 120 Tomorrow, which Unofficially means it might get to 130 since the Official reading is always way off the Urban Reality of how hot it actually is.

  6. I have to say that you are the most well organized Grandmother in the world. You make an incredible impression on the kids and they will never forget those moments.
    After all, I never forgot all the extra effort my grandmother made when we visited.

    Your theme and decorating is beyond the call of duty!

    Hot is our theme for this week also.

  7. Wow!! You are the bestest Grandma ever!! What fun!

  8. Great photos. It looks like your efforts to give the kids a good time was successful.

  9. OMG!! You are incredible...The memories you are created for these children are amazing!!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! I think I made the right decision deciding to stay here in my house...If it becomes an issue, I can always move....I hope you are having a good week and surviving this heat....
    Thanks so much for always stopping by!!
    Debbie-Dabble blog

  10. OMG!!! You really outdid yourself. You are Grandma of the year hands down! They all looked like they had a wonderful time. I don't know how you had enough energy to do all that with that many kids. I don't have particular fun memories of my grandmother. She was stern, believe kids would be seen and not heard. She wasn't into play....not even a little bit; and I never knew my other grandmother. My daughter is 40 and single, so I don't believe I'll ever have a chance to know what's it like to be a grandma. Well done you!! Well done, indeed.
    Sandy's Space

  11. Thanks again for all your visits!! Glad you enjoyed my tour of my Kitchen... I will be sharing my garden updates on Thursday including the header picture you liked!! I know you are keeping as busy as always!! I hope you are enjoying your week!!

  12. I love the eyeballs on the nuggets. Lovely family photos.

  13. You are gonna Laugh when I tell you I accidentally got you mixed up with another Blogger, thought her Blog was another one of yours and commented accordingly my Friend! She's probably wondering, WTF? *LMAOROTF* Anyway, don't even know HOW that happened, but, at least it did find me a lovely Blog and I did add her to my Sidebar now... perhaps she was a Blogger from your Blog Friends that I accidentally clicked thinking it was a Blog of yours I didn't know of? My confusion sometimes is unsettling... winks.


Thank you so much for stopping by to visit! I love your comments and suggestions and read them all. Due to spam, I will now have to approve all comments. Sometimes it takes me a hot minute to authorize comments due to grandchildren commitments. I apologize but I can't let those scammers get the upper hand!

Miss Merry