Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Just a quick update.

Just a quick note to let you know - the Bluebird's sister who just turned four the night she was taken ill has gotten her test results back today on what would have been Bluebird's first birthday. 

Although she is a carrier, just like her mom and her dad, she DOES NOT have the disease. She will most probably have to decide not to have biological children but she will live a long and happy and healthy life with no complications. And would have never known she was a carrier of this awful disease if she had not been tested after her sister's death. 

Bluebird's teen half sister is still waiting for her test results. 

I am so happy for the family and we are continuing to pray for the older sister.  


  1. Thank you for letting us. know the test results. It's wonderful to know the little one doesn't have the disease, but awful for her to know she probably won't have biological children. I'll keep the older sister in my prayers too.

  2. Some good news shining through the darkness.

  3. Praying for good news that half sister will have happy test results. So good to hear that sister does not have the disease.

  4. A difficult time for the family, but a bit of good news is such a relief. Sure hope the older sister will also be in the clear.

  5. That is a relief for all concerned, I pray that the older sister has the same results:)


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Miss Merry