I started doing genealogy a few years ago and, as luck would have it, my state decided to hold their yearly conference in the city next to mine in April 2020. I registered early, worked out childcare for the grandchildren and was so excited to go. When I broke my arm, I was still trying to convince my husband that he could drive me over each day. Until our state closed for the month of April. I think the conference, which rotates to mid-state the next year, was cancelled in 2021. In 2022, the conference was held in the southern part of our state. And this year . . . It rotated up to me!
I signed up in November for the early bird pricing. I decided it would be easiest to drive back and forth instead of staying at the conference center. I could still feed everyone breakfast Thursday and help get kids on the bus. Friday I left breakfast on the table when I left at 7:15 am and Saturday hubby was on his own. This is my genealogy notebook I made at Shutterfly.

The first two sessions I attended were worth the entire cost of my registration. My first class was about finding Polish records and the presenter had living in Poland for several years as an employee with the United States Government and so knowledgable. She started with a history lesson of wars since the 1700's and all the border changes. She tied this in to the different birthplaces that Polish immigrants would list on census records. She made me wish she had been my history and geography teacher when I was in high school! By the end of the session I had decided I would have to purchase the syllabus for the conference because I would never remember everything I was learning.
The next session had an equally fabulous presentor who explained the history of Amish and Mennonites in Europe and how and why they ended up in Lancaster PA. Another history lesson! And this is where I discovered my paternal great grandmother (and generations of her family) came from. He had great research tips and I will have to convince my dear husband to take me on a road trip there! At this point I started a list of presentors so I can watch for their names for future classes.
The topics the speakers were presenting at the expensive lunches were not interesting to me, so I decided to take myself to lunch each day. The first day was a lovely lunch at Olive Garden. They had a tiny table by a window in the bar area which was perfect for me.
We received 3 strips of free raffle tickets and I decided to use one strip per day for the silent raffle baskets. Late afternoon I received two texts and when I checked at the tables, I had won two prizes!I can't wait to read these. I love genealogy and stories of crimes. The Underground Railroad is a particular interest of mine and this book included two passes to Ohio's Underground Railroad Museum in Southern Ohio, A place I have always wanted to visit. It is far enough away that I think we will have to plan a two day trip.
Day Two had equally great sessions. My list of favorite presentors kept getting longer and longer. I took myself to Cracker Barrel for lunch. That's vegetable soup and I was impressed with the Twinnings tea bag.
I stopped at the book table on my way back to class.
And purchased the fattest and heaviest book there. It is a rebound copy of the two earliest histories of my county which list all my ggg grandparents. And that afternoon I got a text from the raffle table that I had won a prize.
I am really excited about this prize, too. My daughter has never taken her children to the zoo and we were discussing buying season passes to a zoo nearer to us, since the cost wasn't much more than admission. But free is even better and I have never, ever been to the Columbus zoo. Approximate value of prize: $120
Day Three dawned. When I arrived at 7:45 am, the parking lot was almost full. It turned out we were sharing the facility with a cheerleading competition. It was . . . interesting. They were not supposed to be anywhere near our section, but you know how that goes. Again, terrific sessions, but I was afraid to leave the facility as it was raining and I didn't know where I could park when I got back. So I stayed and bought my most expensive lunch of the week (the facility does not permit outside food - like the packed lunches I had planned orginially).
$16.81. Then I went to class and . . . . got a text that I had won a door prize. I have actually stayed at this motel in the past. It is a lovely two story building with a beautiful pool and walking trails and is a parking lot away from an Amish restaurant. When I worked under a state grant for our local extension service, our employee trainings and workshops were held at this facility. It is also located in the same town as the Children's Imagination Station where I take my grandchildren and just down the road from the restaurant inside the railroad cars. My daughter, who also has a teacher pass to the Children's Imagination Station, and I are planning a trip this summer with her children.
At this point, I am hiding my door prize certificates, not mentioning anything to my fellow attendees. I am feeling tremendous guilt over this overflow of luck and gifts. I don't know anyone involved with the drawings or prizes, I swear. Actually it seemed to be different people every day. I have won my registration fee three times over.
Then, I get another text. I spent $5 on six raffle tickets for a local geneaolgy basket - and I won. They did put it in a file box so I could carry it around the rest of the day. I felt so guilty as every new class congratulated me.
After that, there was nothing left to win. The classes were over and I returned home. It is time to get ready for my church festival, so I pulled the important things from this basket (the Polish tea cup and the dish towels) added more wine and repackaged it for my church's silent auction. The items were all very lovely, but I am downsizing and do not need more pretties!
So - the conference was actually so much more than winning prizes. I actually stopped for a lottery ticket on the way home, but my luck did not hold. I have so much information and ideas and "to-dos, I can't wait to start. AND at the end of the conference they announced that, due to planned remodeling at the facility in the next area of the state to take a turn, the conference will be held in the city next to me in 2024!!!
I plan to register on day 1 and this time I will sign up for the fancy lunch and speaker on Saturday to cover my bases. I do not expect to EVER win another door prize!