Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Just Checking In

I did not expect the eclipse to be as fabulous as it was. Here, on a sunny 70 degree cloudless day in the 100% zone, it was FABULOUS. (last year it snowed on April 8). 

My grandkids were ready. 

My neighbor with a great camera. 

Me. (you can see one neighbor in a driveway behind me).  The most exciting part was that when we reached the total eclipse our whole town erupted in cheers. It was unexpected and just perfect. I could hear voices from streets away! 

A local amusement park sold tickets to ride the roller coasters during the event. Here is a picture from their facebook page. 

My husband's family decided to go to a location closer to home instead of traveling to us which meant I did not have to overhaul the guest room or cook, LOL. 

Yesterday I ran to the drug store and when I came home there were five girls about 10 years old riding their bikes down the long slope of my sidewalk yelling like they were on a roller coaster.  And I wanted to be them so badly. 

The daughter is married. Everything went off without a hitch and we are so happy. At the last minute, everyone scattered to their own homes to get fancied up so it all worked out.  I worried for nothing. 

I'll share just one picture.  Here is my squad, my two daughters and two granddaughters who are 13 and 7, but super tall.  My hair is courtesy of my hairdresser Kim who knows how to use a flat iron? I love it, but I am afraid I would get third degree burns. I told her to remember what she did for my 50th class reunion in August. 

This is my wedding dress. It started as a mother of the bride dress, I think it was a mother of the groom dress, too.  One season I wore it to a nephew's wedding in June, a friend's daughter's wedding in July and my niece's wedding in October. I wore it to a mystery dinner theater once when the plot was who killed the groom. I can't count the weddings it has attended. I bought it for 39.99 on the clearance rack at David's Bridal about 10 years ago. It was a "petite" so I did not even have to alter it. 

My husband met my ortho who drained his knee yesterday and he is feeling 80% better already!  We are praying for his oldest sister who had a hip replaced yesterday and his youngest sister's husband who had a critical case of cellulitis manifest in a short time and was hospitalized until today. He was released with home healthcare for his affected feet and hands. That family! 

Today I woke up with a renewed sense of energy and managed to empty six big dresser drawers and bag up about half of those clothing to donate. Then I attacked my jeans pile and donated about three sizes worth of pants that are too small. I decided if and when I ever wear that size again, I will enjoy shopping to replace them. 

I am so looking forward to tomorrow! I am attending our state genealogy conference which is driving distance from my house. Tomorrow is my easy day as sessions start at 10am.  I am skipping the luncheon and taking myself out to lunch at the Olive Garden up the road. Friday and Saturday will be more challenging since sessions start at 8am. I might just go to Olive Garden on Friday too, but I remember that the venue has dance and cheerleading competitions in another area on weekends so I am packing my lunch and have volunteered to sit at the chapter table on Saturday.


  1. I missed the eclipse! but glad you didn't miss it though, such an exciting experience to witness.

  2. Love the dress! I think seeing the total eclipse is an event that everyone should experience. I can recall watching it with a pinhole box as a kid in grade school maybe???

    I recall doing it, I don't recall it being a huge media deal like it was the past two times. But I know as an adult, I enjoyed seeing the partial in my back yard with the clouds whisking through.

    I hope your hubby's knee feels better!
    Good thoughts for your family members also.

    You are so active!

  3. We didn't have the eclipse here so we watched it on tv. The plates with the glasses inserted is a great idea! This is a really good photo of you and yours. Those girls are tall! You have a full schedule.

  4. Miss Merry, I enjoyed all of this and you and your daughters / granddaughters are just lovely. 🙂

  5. Hi Miss Merry! Glad you got to see the eclipse and yes, it was fabulous. Love your pics, and you sure are a busy lady! Enjoy your genealogy conference.

  6. Again, thanks so much for stopping by and always leaving such encouraging and kind comments... Everyone looks lovely for the wedding!!! Glad it all worked out... My son bought 3 sets of glasses for $30 for us to watch the eclipse and clouds moved in around 12noon... we did get a few glimpses of it and we too gasped with awe at it....Wish we could have seen more but it was not meant to be....Thanks for your prayers for Joe and our family....It is gratefully appreciated!!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  7. I love the navy and pink color scheme of the wedding. At least I think it was based on the photo. Is that cake topper for real? Its pretty cool either way.

  8. What a great wedding photo you all look beautiful! It waas rainy here for the eclipse.

  9. My goodness you had a busy week didn't you? It makes me tired to read it all. Knowing how concerned you were with everyone getting ready at your house, I'm glad that other plans were made for that activity.
    The eclipse looks so great from your place. The wedding cake topper is wonderful! I've never seen anything like it before. And the photo of you girls is stunning. Your girls are so beautiful. All of you are. And how smart to have a dress you can just wear to all functions wedding! Brilliant!
    I hope you have a lovely time at the geneology convention. My best friend is immersed in hers, and so are our boys, but I'm more like, "meh". lol I don't know why I'm not particularly interested. When they find something and tell me, I'm interested in that, but I don't want to do the legwork!
    Enjoy the Olive Garden. I was just talking about their soups yesterday with a friend. Chicken gnocci. Yum! :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  10. We didn't get m u ch of an eclipse so I didn't bother to look. But I am glad you enjoyed it.

  11. It sounds like you've definitely gotten your money's worth out of that dress. That's great to have a go-to dress like that. Your hair looks great in that picture. For what it's worth, I've had some pretty bad burns from the curling iron, but haven't managed to burn myself with the flat iron yet. It sounds like you had the perfect day for the eclipse. I'm glad it worked out so well.

  12. The Eclipse from where you live was spectacular, here we couldn't even tell we were having one but Princess T had a Friend in Texas who shared some good pixs from there. The Wedding Crew all look fabulous and those Grandkids are Tall for their Ages. You have a Beautiful Family. Glad the Knee is better for the DH. And I Hope that the Hip Surgery went well for the SIL? Surgeries are always so nerve wracking. I'm trying to get caught up on Blog reads, I've been so negligent.

  13. All your visits and thoughts and prayers for myself , Joe and my family during this difficult time has been gratefully appreciated!!! Thanks for being such a good friend!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  14. My NY boy was disappointed that there were too many clouds blocking his view of the eclipse. Of course, we didn't see it over here but I have witnessed a partial one before. Funny that your whole neighborhood was cheering. Lovely photo with your girls. Congrats to your daughter. I've had to have my knee drained before -- had surgery on it when I was in 8th grade because of a skateboarding accident :) and have had problems with it ever since. Fortunately, it's been quite a while since it popped out of place. I'm very careful how I turn and swivel. Had to look up cellulitis -- never heard of it, but supposedly it's common but can be potentially serious. Glad he got the care he needed. Thanks for your comment on my blog today. Take care.


Thank you so much for stopping by to visit! I love your comments and suggestions and read them all. Due to spam, I will now have to approve all comments. Sometimes it takes me a hot minute to authorize comments due to grandchildren commitments. I apologize but I can't let those scammers get the upper hand!

Miss Merry