Monday, June 17, 2024


Thank you all for the kind compliments on my front porch in my last post.  I thought I would share it's story since it is something we are pretty proud of around here. Be prepared for a long post with lots of memories and photos. 

We purchased our tiny box house in 1979 when we were nineteen and this is the front of the house in spring of 1980. I was so skinny back then that this is me seven months pregnant. We have a neighborhood facebook page and all the "new" people are aghast that there are no trees, bushes or much of anything on the street when they see this photo. It was pretty barren. 

I need to apologize for the poor quality of a lot of these camera photos. 

We ended up with five children in seven years and couldn't afford to leave our "starter" home.  Finally the time came when we had to decide if we were going to stay here forever and make it our dream home or move. And my dream home had a front porch.  

First, zoning required a full foundation under our new porch and new 500 sq foot family room.  My contractors (husband and sons) applied for a permit and stated digging. 

This is what greeted me every night when I got home from work.  People thought we were tearing the house down. 

And here is when I began to wonder if we had made a big, expensive mistake. 

Looking better. 

Obviously I could not wait to put furniture on this porch.  The odd perspective is off because I am taking pictures of pictures in a photo album. To the right is my old lilac bush. I had it dug out and replanted. And then there were ground bees underneath and we ended up killing it with chemicals. . . 

We had spaced the posts to accommodate the matching rails. The rails were discontinued by the time we were able to purchase them. We ended up having to have custom rails. Of course. 

Worth every penny. 

Today! It took a few years for the plants to take off. Everything is a perennial and comes back (except my hanging baskets.) 

Here is the side of the house as originally constructed.

The zoning inspector did not care to inspect the electric or anything, but had a fit that we had a cement block in front of the door temporarily. My husband quickly constructed what is still know as "Mom's Personal Deck". 

Here is that side of the house today. I know the lilacs look like they are begging for water (it rained this afternoon). And the trellis seems a little lonely since Mr Merry seems to have "trimmed" my roses to the ground. 

Two years ago we planted a row of Rose O Sharon volunteers to fill in a hedge to match what is closer to the road. 

And we have some hidden gardens. The striped seat at the end is my seat on the porch and this garden is just over the rail. 

By the front yard bicycle, the fairies have developed more property. 

My porch is the porch of my dreams. The porch I always wanted. We waited a long time, saved a long time and I was smart enough, back when I was a teenager, to marry someone who would and could build it for me. 

I always say that, if I win the lottery, I will build a porch on every house on my street! 

It seems like yesterday, but we built the porch (and addition) the year our youngest graduated from high school. Somehow that was twenty years ago. It seems like yesterday! 


  1. This was such a fun, fun post. And happy! I love the beautiful porch. When we moved to Spokane 33 years ago Dennis was looking at houses before the company flew me out for the weekend to look too. He was trying to get a short list ready for me to look at. My only requirement? A big front porch. Needless to say, I didn't get it. There wasn't one house we could afford that had a porch. Oh well. Maybe someday I'll come sit a spell on your porch and drink some ice tea!
    Thanks for your trip down memory lane with us. I sure enjoyed it.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Really enjoyed reading about the history of your home. Good choice to marry a builder.

  3. Nice! We lived in our house for 20 yrs with things falling apart before we decided to remodel and we got a nice little porch too. I enjoy that porch every day. I followed our house remodel in 2016 with one of my other blogs called The Little House Remodel. It was quite the transformation.

    I loved this post, thank you so much.

  4. Love your post and it has encouraged me to push on the extending of our small entrance porch to across the front. I've been wanting to do this for a long time and have pretty much decided if we don't do it now, we won't have much time to enjoy it. Little things, right? Simple pleasures.

  5. Thank you for the story of that beautiful porch. Your husband certainly knows his stuff. I really like your fanciful gardens! I'm sure that large family room addition made a lot of difference, too.

  6. Oh I love a house with a porch. Yours looks like a labor of love and what a nice place to relax.

  7. How beautiful and simply gorgeous. You and your husband have done well.

  8. I love the idea of a porch where neighbors could congregate or you could just sit and watch the world go by. Unfortunately no one had a porch in the community where we lived in Chicagoland and I don't see a single porch in our community here in Hawaii. I love your porch and your home is so beautiful.

    Thinking back. I know we had a wonderful porch when I was growing up in a sugar plantation camp.

  9. What a fabulous Transformation and grit determination to beautify your Home and Community. We also did that with any Home we've had, appreciative of even the most basic abodes along the way and improving them, landscaping around them. They were always better when we left than when we arrived, even during the Rental Years before we could Own any. Having been Nomadic, we knew none of them would be a Forever Home, but it didn't matter. We felt compelled to make everything better than we found it, I Wish everyone would do that and build their Communities in the most Positive ways.

  10. Y'all did such a great job on the porch! I'm glad you finally got your dream porch. We're in the process of working on our back screened in porch, and I hope it's that pretty and inviting when we're finished. I'm hoping to do some little fairy gardens, too. Do you leave them out all year, or do you take them down in the winter?


Thank you so much for stopping by to visit! I love your comments and suggestions and read them all. Due to spam, I will now have to approve all comments. Sometimes it takes me a hot minute to authorize comments due to grandchildren commitments. I apologize but I can't let those scammers get the upper hand!

Miss Merry