Thursday, August 22, 2024

The End of Summer

It's been very busy (as usual) here at the picket fence. The teacher daughters went back to school and my co-gramma had a serious health emergency so I have had my youngest son's three littles everyday in addition to everyone else. 

Last week I had 7 children every day. One crazy day I took them to an amusement park.  I ended up with sunburned ankles. I am not sure why. 

Everybody was back on Monday morning. My youngest is filling in on patrol duty this week, so his kids are here at 5:30 am.  The other four come around 7am and then I start making the breakfasts. Because I don't have enough on my plate, we had a First Day of School Eve Party. 

Funny story. I used to have the energy to bake. 

So the three brothers don't start school for another week. They are still coming at 5:30 am.  The littlest one comes at 7, his preschool starts in September so we need to speed up how long it takes him to eat breakfast.  I also feed a fourth grader and put him on the bus. At least that was the plan.  On the first day of school, we missed the bus . . . . . 

Just for kicks today, I loaded the four boys aged 8 and under in the vehicle with grampa and we got to take him out of town for a 90 minute root canal. 

And my 50th class reunion is this weekend.  I ordered more clothes. After making my final outfit choice, my husband is trying to talk me out of it.  I have also caught a nice deep chest cold (I have tested negative twice for covid) that I have been trying to cure with over the counter meds. I have invested too much in the wardrobe I have purchased, the hair appointment I have scheduled for Saturday and the stinking $150 in dinner tickets to skip this thing.  

So that is what I have been up to. 


  1. Well. You sure make me feel lazy my dear friend. How do you do it all? I had two doctor appointments last week and they just about did me in. You are such a wonderful blessing to your children and grandchildren. What a relief it must be for them to know that the littles are being cared for by someone who loves them so very much. Grandma. Your First Day of School Eve party table looks fantastic. What lucky kids they are.
    Hope Hubby's mouth feels much better after the root canal and that you are much better for your reunion dinner.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Lord, I'm Tired just reading how much you are juggling my Friend! The Sunburned Ankles made me Smile tho'. *LOL* I Hope the Reunion is Memorable in all the best of ways, so Healing Energies being sent your way for a complete Recovery so you can attend and feel 100% for it. I think Seven Littles would be beyond me now.

  3. I'm impressed! We had our youngest granddaughter for several days last week when her new baby brother was born, and we were tired with one!
    uuugh - those were expensive dinner tickets. I sure hope you are feeling better!

  4. Wow you sure a busy busy woman! I hope your reunion goes well. I think our 50th reunion was this summer, but since I've lost touch with all those people, I can only guess.

    Having all those grands underfoot must feel like herding cats. I do wish my grands were close enough to be dropped by at my house too. Though the three older ones have their own cars and jobs now. The younger ones live 4 hours away.

    Have fun!

  5. Is this all you've been up to? You make me feel lazy, too! Let us all hope you recover before the reunion and are able to enjoy yourself and your fellow classmates. I have never attended a reunion.

  6. All I can say Miss Merry is "Wow! I don't know how you do all that." But you're making precious memories for those kids... and are apparently an invaluable help to your children. I do hope you get to your reunion since it seems to mean a lot to you. And we'll look forward to hearing all about it.

  7. Hope it all works out for your Class Reunion dinner...the food better be great at that price. I hope you are over your cold by doubt stress related because you have so much on your plate! How wonderful that you can step in and help everyone out with grandcare!!

  8. I don't know how to speak to this---all the fun and activity and labeling apples and having a THEME party at 5:30 a.m.!! You are so dedicated and loyal and loving, and all your littles--getting-big must absolutely worship your sweet soul. My only comparison is that I was handed an infant two days before I reached Social Security---just ONE, to come to us for ten hours a day, three days a week, and I, too, scheduled themes and parties and special outings and enough crafts to equip a pre-school. The costumes, books and stage props alone would equip a Summer Stock playhouse, and the MUSIC!!! From this VETERAN of eight years of 7:30 to 5:30, and most days both parents stayed to dinner---my fondest, most admiring, respectful, honorable, highest-esteem SALUTE, with honors, laurel leaves, and enough Gold Stars to last til the last child is in college. WOW.

    Don't limit yourself to a mere Reunion---you deserve PARIS.

  9. Always when school starts there seems to be these bugs that travel around. My sister was sick several times with deep cough. She was given steroids and it's gone. The pollen has been very high here and going outside doesn't help. I hope you are much better.

  10. I hope you were able to attend your class reunion.....My 50th will be next year...Will I be going??/HECK, no! After reconnecting with t e lot of my former classmates on FB and then having to unfriend them because once a Bully, always a Bully, I have no desire whatsoever to see any of those people...Thanks so much for all your visits....I really appreciate it....I hope you are getting the nicer cooler weather like we are...I have started my Fall decorating and got the Front Porch finished...I hope you are having a good week!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  11. Ouch! And I already know what happened.


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Miss Merry