I'm going to start with the klutzy update first. As I was leaving our townhall meeting, I tripped going out the door and would have landed flat on the sidewalk if it wasn't for Mr. Merry grabbing me as several friends shouted "oh no" as I tipped. My grandson went to preschool and told the teacher I had broken my leg and they prayed for me. Spoiler, did not break my leg, did not break the skin. I did, however make a doctor appointment for tomorrow to be evaluated for PT or something since my friends don't want to invite me out anymore if I am going to keep falling over.
Our local indivisible and a nearby community’s Rising invited our US rep to a townhall last night. Surprise, he never responded.

But 200 constituents did. And we had great speakers. We had a professional on veterans benefits who talked about the cuts to medical care to people who had put their life on the line for our country. We had a hospital benefits coordinator who spoke on the effects of cuts to Medicare and Medicaid and how a rural hospital is already closing in our community due to insurance contracts that are not sustainable. We had a college professor from a nearby campus talk about education cuts and horrible policies and and professor about immigration stories (spoiler alert – there is no way the planes sent to El Salvador are coming back and he thinks the men will be released into the jungle and probably die, if they survive prison since the space is limited and more planes will go) and told us that hearings for those with green cards who apply for citizenship are 20 years out on court dates. AND we had a past president of the Farmer’s Union who spoke at length on the effects of policies like USAID and immigration and others on local farmers. And how six large farming operations in our state had USAID contracts with the USDA to grow for food banks and schools, those contracts have been cancelled after farmers already took loans out this year for planting and how all that information of who they were has been scrubbed from federal and state websites. And our state claims not to know who they were.
I have been an Indivisible member since 2018. It is mostly the same group of women, pretty much my age. Last night we had 200 people and I bet over 1/3 were men, many Viet Nam veterans and/or farmers. He is hitting his base.
Now the question is – what will we do about it? We need a leader to rise.
I truly believe the audience included people who voted for him and never thought these policies would affect them. But is it too late.
Meanwhile the situation with the choir director is not going well. I located the minutes from the previous meeting and, as you can see, they want him fired for being gay. No criminal or inappropriate actions or other complaints, they just don't think he should exist. The group is now trying to sabotage a series of dinner theaters this weekend by cancelling blocks of tickets they preordered and didn't pay for. And this will be a huge financial hit to the music program and is so unfair to the student performers who have been practicing their hearts out. Meanwhile the minutes:
Mr S addressed the board, regarding the hiring of Mr. K as the choir director for the 2024-25 school year. Mr. S started by saying he wanted to have transparency and a healthy civil dialogue about the concerns over this hiring. He stated that many were disappointed in the hiring of Mr. K. There are concerns that Mr. K's values are inconsistent with the values of the community and district. Mr. S said the hiring of Mr. K was, "Unacceptable to the students, and we, the district, and community, can’t allow this to take root and snowball.” He asked that the board change course, aim high, and employ good solid truth in education rooted in truth. Mr. S said, “God will not honor this path unless we choose to alter the path. If we compromise here and move the boundary of this decision what will be next?” He concluded by asking the board four questions.
- Was the board aware of Mr. K's lifestyle?
- Can his contract be rescinded?
- Can the district buy out his contract?
- What can the board and administration do to ensure this will never happen again?
Mr R addressed the board by saying he was here in concern. Mr. R shared a variety of mental health statistics about transgender youths and individuals. He shared that youth suicide has increased by 87% in the past decade. The facts, fewer role models with strong morals, weak leaders, and pushed agendas. Mr. Rhine questioned the Board’s violation of due process in the unanimous approval of Mr. K’s contract.
Mr R agreed with the two men. He stated that the questions that were asked need to be answered by the board for those who spoke and the community. Mr. R said, “This hiring was a huge mistake by the board. It is time to consider the children, the school, and the program and do what can be done.”
Tonight we went to our other 3rd grader's musical and he had a special solo where he danced to "Pizza Daddy-O". I would share the video if I knew how. Tomorrow night we go to a random bar almost 2 hours away to hear my oldest grandson's band who is the opener for the opener.
I saved this from Facebook but then saw some posts from the cancer thrift shop. So I don't see any decluttering happening soon. And I will pass this shop on my way home from my doctor's appointment.

Do you see that little basket of dolls on the bottom shelf?
And the bowl under those eggs?
And this chandy?
Oh Lordy, the tea pot!
Well, let's see what tomorrow will bring . . .
That choir situation is heart breaking. I think though that the situation could be remedied by simply selling tickets at the door. No advance sales.
ReplyDeleteI sure hope you can get into PT and find out what your balance issues are! We don't want you falling either!
ReplyDeleteI don't get the issue with the music teacher but then I've had teachers that were gay -- back in the 1970's. No one got uppity about it at all. So many people are so narrow minded.
Don't fall!
Hm. We'll see tomorrow what comes home with you..
ReplyDeleteI am wondering if you need new glasses...sometimes our depth perception gets off and that may cause you to step wrong...just a thought. Glad you were not seriously hurt.
ReplyDeleteI would think a Choir Director could be anyone no matter their sexual orientation. However when I was in High School we had a Lesbian Physical Education Teacher...she made many students uncomfortable...she should not have been allowed to teach.
You must have all of this, especially the candy and teapot! How quickly we are sliding into horror. They aren't cloaking themselves at all anymore.
ReplyDeleteDear Heavens, Sweetpea!!! I feel as if I'd just read Orwell, Bradbury and a teensy bit of Huxley. Thank goodness you could round it off with some bargains and fun finds---I hope all the latter smother out the news and doings from all the PTB. You take care of you, and have a wonderful Spring!
ReplyDeleteThat is awful about the whole choir situation...and it is hurting the students that worked so hard.. So sad that those people do not care about that...I hope you get your balance issues straightened out...I have an issue with balance due to my back issues...Walking helped with it which is why I need to get back to walking...
Debbie-Dabble Blog
I'm so sorry to hear of not only your fall, but also the Community situation becoming dire due to the cuts already. And as for that Dear Teacher being persecuted, sadly I think discriminatory practices against the Gay Community, Women and Minorities has escalated to levels of the Past that were disgusting then and even more disgusting now because as a Society we should have evolved instead of devolved.
ReplyDeleteOur rep didn't show to our Indivisible town hall this past weekend either. To make it worse, he was two blocks away from the location, watching a basketball game with his teen daughter (not even her school.) But it was greatly motivating -- as if we needed it!