Sunday, March 23, 2025

The Weekend.

I'm pretty sure it was the start of the weekend that is making me feel absolutely exhausted. But aside from the freaky horrible catastrophy of six and a half hours daytime hours on Friday, I still managed to salvage what was left of two and a half days. 

Local headline.  I no longer have an sympathy for him since I found that the wild response from law enforcement in my front yard was due to his threats toward his wife regarding his automatic fancy pants weapon.  He is currently in the mental health ward in another city and has felony charges pending.  My heart does bleed for her and her children.  

And luckily he was stopped in his tracks in time for the Merry family to drive the two hours to hear my grandson's high school band performing in a college bar.  (selfish, I know and I don't care).  This is the first time my husband has seen them in person and it's been about a year and a half since I would listen to them practice in my daughter's basement when I would stay for a week while they did CEU credits at exotic locations. 

They were fabulous, even brought in a horn section in the rear right of the photo. There is another guitarist on the far left. It is hard for short grammas to take photos in a crowd. 

Afore mentioned short gramma. 

Saturday I was up and ready to drive the almost two hours in the other direction with this cutie pie and her mother to see a university production of the Sound of Music. I cannot tell you how absolutely talented every single vocal performer was and how impressed we were with the whole production. 

She absolutely loved the musical. I did not share any of the story ahead of time because I like to hear what she gets out of it. She thought it was a very sweet love story and that some guards came to take the dad and they climbed over the mountain so they could live happily ever after.  She did not notice any nazi symbols on clothing, she did not seem perturbed about any of that nonsense. I asked her if she thought it was a fairytale or a story or real life and she picked fairytale. She was shocked when I showed her a photo of the real Von Trapp Family Singers and I think it was because they were not college co-eds.  

Then, because we don't think ahead, we went out to dinner in a college town on a Saturday night with no reservations. An hour later we were seated and I enjoyed this bacon cheese burger with blue cheese and bacon jam and I am willing to drive two hours every week if I can have more of that bacon jam. 

No photo can do justice to the taste of this burger.  Maybe this photo of my favorite little girl child model eating a children's meal cheeseburger, but eating one of my french fries can explain the size of the sandwich. 

And because I was discombobulated Friday, I forgot to share a photo of my #six out of eight grandson's 3rd grade music performance, the second 3rd grade performance we attended in the last two weeks.  

He is the handsome young man in the blue shirt and had a dancing solo! We are very proud of him. 

And our Indivisible's townhall meeting made the national Indivisible account! What makes this so special is that I live in an area that is about 99% Republican. But the farmers and the veterans that make up our community are not happy.  Actually many are scared. This wasn't what they voted for.  And we were overwhelmed by the attendance. We reached in the sky and were hoping for maybe 30 participants, enough to not embarass ourselves in front of the speakers. We never expected in excess of 200 people. 

It is now spring break for every single one of my grandchildren. Again, not off to a good start. My oldest daughter woke up this morning to 26 missed calls from a contracted driver waiting at Heathrow Airport for her family who is not arriving until tomorrow morning. Her travel agent booked the wrong date.  .   .   


  1. What a busy social calendar! And a talented family.

  2. Hope that the young man gets the help he needs, no doubt he will be out before long. You had a very busy weekend! Wonderful that you could do fun stuff with your grands on the weekend!

  3. I was wondering what happened with that standoff, my God unreal--well Miss Merry, you certainly "ended this" on a high note with those gifted grandchildren of yours. Great pictures and what a nice read, you must be proud as punch. I need to go back and look at that tasty burger with bacon jam. :^)

  4. You have been busy! But aside from Friday's craziness, it sounds so good! Love the pics of the grandkids and the fun events. I hope they have a good break!

  5. My youngest son was put on a 72 hr hold when he lost it. Hopefully this person will get the help he needs.
    As for you? You have a whirlwind schedule which I don't think I could keep up with! Such wonderful and talented grands you have!

  6. I like musical productions, too. I watched The Sound of Music 10 times, as I adored the music and the true story behind it. As for the mentally ill, it's not easy for the family, that's for sure. Hope he gets treated and becomes more responsible.

  7. What a busy itinerary with all of those talented Grandkids! I'm sure your Heart was swelling with pride. As for the dangerous Neighbor with that Weapon, this is why Gun Control needs to be more moderated, the number of people with inappropriate weapons and who shouldn't have weapons is scary. I'm glad it all worked out in the end, but, what a scare for the Community, it could have ended so badly, I'm glad that this time it didn't.

  8. I read the prior post. This is unnerving. And to have you own son there must have been really difficult for you.
    On another note, you are busy! Your schedule makes my head spin!


Thank you so much for stopping by to visit! I love your comments and suggestions and read them all. Due to spam, I will now have to approve all comments. Sometimes it takes me a hot minute to authorize comments due to grandchildren commitments. I apologize but I can't let those scammers get the upper hand!

Miss Merry