Thursday, September 12, 2024

July Temperatures in September

Still hot and humid here in the pet eating state. I am going to a high school football game tomorrow night and I am not sure what you wear to a football game with temps in the high 80's at kickoff.  My youngest granddaughter is a "mini cheerleader" with my oldest granddaughter, a true high school cheerleader, so it is a game I cannot miss. And the icing on the cake is that my oldest grandson will be marching in the band. Three grandchildren/one activity. Cha ching.  

Tonight's harvest. The peppers are starting to outnumber the tomatoes. The tomatoes are getting smaller. I froze the tomatoes for spaghetti sauce and sliced all the peppers into strips and put those in the freezer, too.  I made freezer salsa out of the last picking.  We only have two tomato plants and two pepper plants. And we are officially in a drought here. I can't explain it. 

I should not even joke about the pets. It is a horrible racial rumor that keeps getting traced back to friend's neighbor's sister-in-law's niece's neighbor who heard that.  We are not from Springfield but the stories I have heard is how the Haitians who are here permanently and have become citizens are buying abandoned houses and rehabbing them to live in and how much better the community is looking. The rest of the immigrants are all here on the same visa's as the men in my town working at the greenhouses. I can't remember the numbers on the permit, but the company applies for the work visas with proof of need, the men apply in their country and, if accepted, come here for 10 months a year, 3 years in a row. After that they are no longer eligible for that visa. 

The men in our town (the dorm-apartments are male only) are mostly younger guys, mid-20's. They are easy to identify because they are so clean cut and wearing brand new clothes they purchase at the Walmart near the housing. They wear those short sleeved sports jersey things and athletic shorts and very clean tennis shoes. And they are so polite. I was talking to our mayor and he was told they make $5 a day in their country vs $17 an hour here. They pay federal and state taxes, somehow our state legislature has outlawed paying local taxes - even though the company and the workers are both willing. They do not want to do ANYTHING to jeopardize this opportunity. My son is in law enforcement and there have been very few calls to the complex.  I really think two overall, and they were for very minor infractions of the rules of the complex. 

Our town had lots of rumors on facebook about how people's "friends and family" who worked at small businesses in the area experiencing lots of shoplifting and theft. The store owners got together and issued a statement that this is untrue. And our local police department issued a statement that they have not received any complaints from store owners. 

Anyway.  The saddest part is that the immigrants in Springfield are now afraid to send their children to school. Families who are legal tax paying citizens are living in fear. Certainly we can do better than this. 


  1. Thank you for debunking this. It is amazing to me what people are willing to believe WITH NO EVIDENCE, especially when it supports their opinions.

  2. "pet eating state" LOL, but not so funny that some people are taking it seriously, living in fear. Evidently, my voodoo doll, with his mouth covered by his ear pad, isn't working because he's still talking. He's talking nonsense, but nevertheless still talking.

  3. You have a nice harvest for a hot dry Summer! Social media is not to be believed about anything. I will say that Minnesota will be better off without Walz ...I lost all respect for him when Minneapolis was burning.

  4. I don't understand how he gets away with all the lies that flow from his mouth. The damage he is doing to the lives of innocent people is incalculable.

  5. I think my mouth hit the floor when that other guy said that the other night. His source? TV and the internet.
    Scare people into fearing people who don't exactly look a white person. I know my BIL once said that we were going to be overtaken by people with other colored skin! This was 20 some years ago! I just stared at him like he was from another planet!
    I then said, "But we are known as the melting pot of the world!"
    I've seen people doing the fast and furious thing on FB here and arguing back and forth. -- I have proof it happened! I saw a video on FB --

    I love how you laid this all out in such a wonderful manner. Fearing others because of their color or race is not what we should be. I live in a very rural area that has not dealt with many immigrants or people of color. When even I married my husband years ago and we moved here, I was not a 'local' until I had lived here and worked here for ages. Even I was an outsider for a long time.

    I'm so frustrated by this and.. thank you so much for putting into words how exactly I fee!

  6. thank you thank you thank you. Just when you think they have reached the lowest point, they find a way to go lower.

  7. Thank you for this post! Very interesting. It's really sad that a man like Trump can cause so much trouble over something he manufactured out of a debunked rumor and he doubled down on it again today at a rally. Immigrants have enough trouble learning a new culture without crap like Trump is causing.

  8. I agree that the racially motivated lies about Immigrants are causing considerable backlash to those vulnerable communities and are intended to instill fear and discrimination. The Immigrants here are hard working too, we don't have many from Haiti, most in Arizona are from various African, South American, Mexican and Asian Ancestry, all hard working and don't want any trouble, so, it's true, they don't commit an abundance of the crimes and rarely call Police even when the Victims of Crime. It bothers me that he's not being Sued by Springfield for the Chaos and dangers he's caused with openly lying about such things and harming the Town and it's Community. It's great all your Grands are involved in activities and you had the Trifecta at one Event. My Kids were involved in Sports, The Young Prince in Band, I have many fond Memories of attending their Events.

  9. Look at all of that produce! I don't have a garden here at the condo but I have tried to grow green peppers at all of our houses and have never had any luck. They get about 2 inches long and that's it. Mandy gave me two peppers from her garden the other night and I'm taking them with us to make fajitas tomorrow night.
    I'm glad you got to go to three grands activities at one time. Did you melt into a puddle? I don't know how you keep up with it all.
    We're driving up I-29 in Iowa headig for a KOA in Mitchell, SD today. Tomorrow we'll be in our favorite campground in the Black Hills. Yay!
    Blessings and hugs,


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Miss Merry