Saturday, October 19, 2024

Sweetest Day or Why I Need a Keeper

 Happy Sweetest Day. 

This morning I had wished to sleep in, but I had two things on my calendar. The first was a Quilt Show of local quilts dating in the 1800's by our Historical Society. 

I showered and fixed my hair. It looked especially good today. I put on a nice outfit because I had another place to go in the afternoon.  I drove to the old church where the show was going to be held. I had the wrong week. It is next week.  

Not to waste a trip, I went to a local sub shop and got my husband a fancy sub for Sweetest Day. When I presented it, he said "Dammit, how the (h e double matchsticks) do people know it's sweetest day?" He can be so romantic. 

Then I left for the memorial service for a woman who was in my stained glass class.  And you guessed it. It is next week, too. All dressed up and no where to go. I decided my husband actually meant, please go uptown and buy yourself something for Sweetest Day. 

We have a storefront uptown that accepts donations that are "nicer" and all profits go to struggling families who have a member suffering from cancer. The building owners wife convinced him to rent the nonprofit the shop for $1 and he also pays the utilities. 

I loved the salt and pepper in the front. 

Always a sucker for anything doll related, but did not purchase.

More salt and peppers

If only I could be trusted not to break these refrigerator boxes. The bottoms were $10 each and the lid only $2. 

Really wanted these. I am not sure why or where I would put them. I did not get them and I bet I regret it.

I have lots of similar compacts and watches and purses and stuff. But it doesn't stop me from considering more. 

As we know I have more furniture that really fits into my home now. But look at this lovely wood inlay low table for only $38. Today was 20% off everything to make room for the Christmas reset, so really $30.40. 

This distressed green chest was only $57 or $45.60 on sale. 

Do I need a milk glass punch bowl. Unfortunately I do not. 

Some one had taken older books (not the really old ones sold for "stacking) and glued pages like this. I was thinking maybe I could use that for rings? But then why?

I love primitives. It is a reproduction, but beautifully framed. I have zero wall space to hang it. 

This fabulous table is Ethan Allen and was, I think, $145. It had a banner that said "Brews" that vanished seconds before I clicked. The 20% off sale had drawn a crowd!

Hobby Holly!

If only I had my grandmother's "breakfast room" to display these. 

I will regret not purchasing these glasses. I have zero use for them. They were priced at $10 for the set of six, $8 on sale. I am in love. I have absolutely no use for them and no space to display them. 

Another chest. $187 or $149.60 on sale. It isn't just the prices, it is the quality of these older pieces. 

Do you see what is in front of him?

This box of dolls, including some Nancy Anne's, that I did not purchase. . . $5 each. 

A box of glasses for a microscope with no microscope.

Only $420 for this wonderful dining set in immaculate condition. 

I love this cannister set. 

Do I need these milk glass juice glasses? Well, it turns out I did need them. I envision them with pink lemonade at a garden tea party in my imagination. Will that ever happen? I doubt it. But they are mine now! Only $2 each which made it $8 for the six. 

And my other purchase?

This lamp! I have been looking for a tall lamp to put by MY chair so that I can read or use my computer without the overhead light. I wanted an older lamp because the quality is so much nicer and the weight of this one is good too. I am thrilled with my Sweetest Day gift. 

I also treated myself to an iced coffee.  I cannot believe what they charge for these things. This was made with the mornings coffee, chilled while I shopped, coffee ice cubes, pumpkin spice creamer, a little 2% milk, Birthday Cake whipped cream (because it had no flavor other than whipped cream, despite the name and my grandchildren won't drink it) and some caramel syrup. Served in a RR Tervis cup that my husband received as an employee, LOL.  

And my husband really isn't a bear like I make him out to be. He felt bad he missed what he thought I considered a holiday.  He is not a person who keeps track of birthdays or anniversaries. But he is a loving, caring person who makes sure my car gets it's tune ups and oil changes on time, who makes sure the furnace is checked and the walks are shoveled. He is the guy who fixes things for the older women and single moms in the neighborhood. He is the dependable one when something goes wrong. And he was a little tired since he had been up since the crack of dawn trimming all the trees and bushes. And he was thrilled to purchase my new lamp for me. 

Happy Saturday. 


  1. Loved to see all the things that caught your eye! You had a good day, not like you planned but just as nice. I do hope you get to the quilt show next week!

  2. Happy Sweetest Day and I applaud your restraint at passing up so many great bargains for practical no space for and want vs need reasons.

  3. Well that is wonderful! He sure is a sweet guy isn't he?
    I'm glad you got all dressed up and went shopping which means you had a good Sweet Day.
    Congrats on your purchases and I loved seeing all the cool things you didn't get, but got to browse through!

  4. I didn't know it was sweetest day either!
    What a bummer that both events are next week. Now you need to get going on time again.
    That shop has so many beautiful things!

  5. LOL!!! I am married to a man who hopefully suggests EVERY YEAR that I tell him what I want for Christmas. He will go out and buy exactly what I tell him I want, and put under the tree still in the shopping bag. He just is not a gift person, but he is a good person.

  6. You did make good use of the day. I really like the lamp. My husband is like yours. Not sentimental, not a gift giver, but he takes care of my horses, he is kind, he does many things for me and that is enough.

  7. Lots of interesting stuff. More and more I find that going to an antique store brings back memories of my grandparents, parents and my childhood. Am I really THAT old? :) Every man I've been with has been pragmatic yet thoughtful of others. So, I understand the type!


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Miss Merry