Celebrated the annual blooming of the day lilies.
We hosted our annual Gramma Mimi's Cousin Camp for nine of our ten grandchildren the last week of June. Number ten was born on the 4th of July!
I finally talked Grampa Merry into a bucket list vacation to the coast of Maine! We used Diners, Drive Ins and Dives recommendations for restaurants and were pretty disappointed. I guess we are just Red Lobster people. I did check off sitting on the beach, looking at the ocean and eating a (tasteless) lobster roll ($22). Burger was Grampa's.
It has been stinking hot and humid here in Northern Ohio which has made summer activities challenging. We let the grandkids play outside first thing in the morning, but by 10:30 it is so humid, that we are concerned about dehydrating. So we bring them inside where they destroy my house.
(the wrecking crew)
We did take two of the boys to an Ox Roast in a nearby country town. The fire department buries the foil wrapped beef in a trench of burning charcoal and digs it up in time for lunch beginning on Friday. The boys said the beef was delicious and did not taste like dirt at all. Unfortunately we had to use the potty immediately following lunch and preschooler do not use portapots . We were unable to stay and visit the rest of the festival.
Was asked to resume service to 4-H by helping to construct the fair booth for my three oldest grandchildren.
I think I actually baked 15 pies for our church festival this year. Halfway through the day.
I talked Grampa Merry into a trip to a nearby Bratwurst Festival. It was sunny with only a 20% chance of rain. It was a good thing I remembered umbrellas, it was like a typhoon. But the festival was amazing, the food stands plentiful and we had music from TBDBITL.
We celebrated Grampa's birthday.
Dyed my hair lavender. On purpose.
It was my (gulp) 45th class reunion
Had a few picnics. This was a Chicken BBQ for the Senior Center.
And we even baked some cookies
Hmmm. After looking at these photos, I think we did an awful lot of eating this summer, too!
Tomorrow is our last picnic; school starts on Thursday! We will have two in the nursery school carpool, one newborn, three toddlers on alternate days and one first grader that will board the bus at our house at 7:30 a.m. So much for lazy!