Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Iced Tea in My New Pitcher

Arm Update: At 148 days I was officially released by both my orthopedist and physical therapist. I am still doing PT on my own for about 45 minutes a day, but the improvement is amazing. The real game changer was when my doctor prescribed trigger point microcurrent stimulation (like acupuncture with electricity instead of needles). I was totally sure that it was hocus pocus, especially since all I heard was buzzing and I felt absolutely nothing. But I was wrong. I can raise my arm to do the physical therapy which makes life easier and the pain has decreased to a dull ache. After the second session I was able to sleep for eleven hours straight. My therapist did a total of six sessions and I feel like a new woman. 

It's a warm, humid summer in Northern Ohio and dreams of iced tea run through my brain.  I had an elaborate way to keep my supply going and it was a little challenging with one arm.  I would heat 8 cups of water to boiling in my microwave, measure adequate teaspoons of loose tea into strainers, retrieve water (this was the tricky part), submerge the strainers, brew the tea and pour it into a collection of 16 ounce glass bottles with lids  I have accumulated over the years (think Snapple).  It would take 3 go rounds with the water, strainers and bottles to fill them all and I would be good for a few days.  My family called it "making mom's moonshine". 

Then, because the internet knows more about you than you do yourself, this advertisement from the Harney and  Sons Fine Teas popped up.  And once you click on it once, it just keeps a poppin'. 
Well, since all I can really do in this heat, sheltered at home, is play on the internet and spend money, I finally pulled the trigger. I was pretty excited when it arrived!
The reviews made it sound easy and it was. You measure about 7 teaspoons of loose tea (or two large iced tea bags) and place in the glass pitcher. Add 3 cups of boiling water and let the tea steep. I think the directions say 5 minutes, but I leave it at least 10 minutes. I am using up all my various loose teas in the backs of my cupboards. This one is "pecan tart" which I received as a gift. 
The stopper/lid has a built in strainer! The hardest choice to make with the purchase was the color of the top. I chose the aqua.  The lid is not dishwasher safe.
Fill the pitcher with cold water. And don't judge the snowflake tablecloth. 
And place in the refrigerator. The pitcher is as tall as a gallon of milk, so you will need to find a place to squeeze it in. 
The strainer works perfectly and the tea is so clear.  I did realize that my aqua lid matches the Dollar Tree glasses I bought in February when I did my early pandemic shopping, so after this they will be my new iced tea glasses. EWWW - trust me - what looks like insects are actually the tea leaves. This was the only photo I have. 

I received no compensation from Harney and Sons; it was a total fluke I saw the ad pop up. Two sample teas were included with the pitcher, but I haven't tried them yet. I also added a sampler in a really cool tea box to qualify for free shipping and I haven't opened that yet because I haven't decided if it will be a gift or I will just keep it for myself! 

Actually I am considering another pitcher so that I don't run out of tea while the glass pitcher is in the dishwasher.  I think this pitcher would make a marvelous gift, too. 


  1. Now that is a fancy ice team maker! Very pretty! My husband uses an old peanut butter jar adds water and sets it in the window:)

  2. I'm so glad that the hocus pocus worked! You poor gal! How you manage is beyond me especially with the grands! So glad you are on the mend. Your tea pitcher is the bees knees! I used to make big jugs of sun tea when we were all on the farm but now it's just me and I drink plain water. Enjoy! I should get one so I can use up all those loose teas in my cupboard too.

  3. Miss Merry,
    Looks like a great pitcher!! Thanks so much for all your visits!! We actually had a nice day with low humidity and a nice breeze so I took advantage of it and sat on the front porch and did some reading!! It was great to be able to spend some time outside!!

  4. Miss Merry,
    Thanks so much fr stopping by!! I do have a few of the Sue Grafton books beginning with letters.... I was buying them at our church flea market, preparing for when I had the time to read them when I retired....Hope you are having a great weekend!!

  5. Oh, that sounds like something I need. I drink iced tea all year long.

  6. Thanks so much for stopping by and for all your kind comments!! I left a comment for you on my post about Early Retirement since I felt the comment would also benefit others.
    Hope all is well with you!

  7. What hood news about your arm! It has been such a long time of rough days so it is good you had innovative hocus pocus!

    That tea pitcher! I love Harney teas, but the pitcher makes the possibilities open up. Glad you are having fun with it. I love the idea of making your own bottles of tea!.

  8. Me again!!!
    Thanks SO much for all your visits and for your kind and encouraging comments!! I love hearing your stories that relate to my posts!! I have no idea what I was doing with so many clothes especially since I wore a uniform and then scrubs for all of my professional life!!! Now it comes down to what fits and what does not as I have gained weight after my knee surgery and this covid thing even though I do exercise regularly...But that has always been a thing with me my entire life.....I am looking forward to having our new refrigerator delivered on Sunday....The kids are coming over for a Labor Day get together on Monday and then I will start Fall decorating next week...Have a great Labor Day weekend!!

  9. I feel to drink some tea looking at this . I think I should ho and make some now


Thank you so much for stopping by to visit! I love your comments and suggestions and read them all. Due to spam, I will now have to approve all comments. Sometimes it takes me a hot minute to authorize comments due to grandchildren commitments. I apologize but I can't let those scammers get the upper hand!

Miss Merry