Friday, April 6, 2018

Easter Breakfast Lunch & Dinner

A few days before Easter we were invited to my son's house to "help" two of my grandsons color eggs. I think they did a fantastic job!
 I had some nice pictures of my tablesetting, but somehow they have come up missing between my camera and laptop. Meanwhile, I forced some pussywillows and forsythia to make an Easter tree, just like my mom always did. Those are carrot cake cupcakes with cream cheese frosting off to the left. 
One of my daughter in laws makes the best cheese balls in the world! And she always comes up with a holiday theme. Voila! It is a carrot. 
Hey, it is a better photo of the tree!
And a dark photo of the table has surfaced.
 Originally I did not think any of my five children and families were able to come and I was making plans to go out for Easter Dinner. It turned out four out of five could come, just not at the same time. Here are 2 quiches from Taste of Home magazine.  I first made this recipe in 1995 for my daughter and her friends after the "after prom". It is so delicious. I served this with fresh fruit for the first shift of guests, brunch. 
The lunch crowd started with Cream of Asparagus soup. It seemed much lighter in color than usual, but tasted exactly the same. I wonder if the color was due to early asparagus this year? 
The spiral sliced ham, which seemed to have thicker slices than usual was a big hit for brunch, lunch and dinner.  I served the ham with oven roasted potatoes and a plate of vegetables and dip. 
Black olives and deviled eggs are another family favorite. I can remember my grandmother hiding them from my grandfather, my mom hiding them from my dad and the tradition continues. I dyed the egg whites and hid 3 dozen eggs (6 dozen deviled eggs) so that I had enough for all three meals. My two 3 year old grandsons are in love with black olives, so I had to ration those too. 
My youngest daughter mugging for her daughter and the camera. One of my other daughter in laws who could not come with their family until supper time dropped off this luscious Easter cheesecake on their way to church in the morning. It tasted as amazing as it looks!
Since Easter fell on April Fool's day this year, I wasn't quite sure what to make of this special Easter Egg one of my grandsons gave me. SHHHHHHHHHHHH. It isn't public yet, but it looks like we will be welcoming grandchild number nine this fall!


  1. Your table is wonderful. My mom did the same with forcing pussywillow! Sometimes she glued popcorn on branches and painted it with pink fingernail polish. I am thrilled for your big news of Grandbaby number 9! I wish I had dyed Easter eggs or at least made deviled eggs. We kind of planned to either go out or go to my son's Aunt's house... but then it up and snowed a lot!!! So... it was a fun movie day but no real Easter-y foods. I may have to try that quiche and soup. They looked soooooo good!


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Miss Merry