Sunday, May 28, 2023

End of May Update

My update is that I accomplished nothing further. 

My dining room table is still full of things that I took out of my kitchen cupboards. I still have cupboards to empty. 

Nothing can move onto the shelves in my temporary pantry because I had to move everything in the room to get to the dresser where I store my flags and I have to reorganize that mess. 

I have not been to Goodwill so there are boxes stacking. 

Schools are starting to end so Friday we took four little people to our amusement park to celebrate the end of school. That is exhausting. Then two little people had a sleepover which meant I was in the uncomfortable twin bed in my Bed and Breakfast room. The too soft mattress is on a frame with no headboard and it was very tricky for an old lady to get in and out of the bed. 

The next morning we fed the group and I really don't remember Saturday. Until 4 pm when two moms and five children stopped by to visit and stay for supper.  (I ordered pizza). They stayed until dark so that they could do a field trip to the drive in. I waited up until after midnight for the return of some extra car seats and our radio. 

This Sunday I am planning to work on that table . . . . depending on company over the next two day, I might be able to make a dent.  

We also had a sad day where my husband's former co-worker for over 25 years suddenly passed away. The same day I got a call that a dear friend was hospitalized and things are not good.  We are now trying to maneuver childcare this week for a funeral. 


  1. I'm sorry about you having to deal with more sorrow.
    I totally get not being able to do one thing unless you can clear a space for something else. That is a lot of work to do!
    I spent months moving things around in the machine shed so I could park my car in it during the winter. Most of what I cleared should have been tossed out!

    I hope you get a break soon!

  2. Honestly, I don't know how you do it. I'm always exhausted after I read your blog. I'm sorry to hear about your friends. Life is so uncertain isn't it? I'm so glad to know where I'll be heading when this life is over.
    Take care, blessings and love,

  3. How you achieve anything with little ones around and people popping in I just don't know.

  4. You are one busy lady. I don't know how you do it. Everything happening at once.

  5. I honestly have no idea how you do it with all the children coming and going...I have said it before but I truly hope that your children appreciate all you do for them and treat you accordingly...Thanks so much for your kind words on my weight loss...I did my one year anniversary post about my weight loss journey along with my 6 month look at my One Little Word for this year....Shining... I hope you get some rest this weekend!!

  6. Sometime when it gets so busy I just need time to breathe...and rest a bit between rounds. Hope you get caught up soon.

  7. It is just me again stopping by to tj=hank you for your visits...Looking forward to your ext post... I hope you have a restful weekend!!

  8. That sounds like me with the "mess" still where I left it! You are most gracious hostess for everyone. I too hope your family appreciates all you do for them. So sorry there is more sadness and loss. Take care of yourself.


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Miss Merry