Thursday, July 6, 2023

Thank You

Thank you for your kind word and concern.  I feel better.  I know I was projecting my sadness and anger at the situation with my friend and mother in-law on inanimate objects.  And the fact I feel so powerless about doing anything. 

This week I am too busy to feel sorry for myself. 

First the computer. I ordered a $14.96 charger cord per the free advice of my computer repair shop. It arrived and nothing happened. I took the computer and the cord to his shop and he plugged it in.  And now it works perfectly. He did not charge me either time.

My daughter in-law's family is having a Remembrance on Saturday for her father who passed in February. I spent my morning scrubbing roasters.

And then spent the afternoon mixing up a roaster of pie crust because this Sunday is our church festival. I have 20 some pie crusts in aluminum pans. Tomorrow (Friday) I will bake cupcakes and probably start baking a few pies. I plan to frost the cupcakes Friday night, bake a few pies Saturday morning and hopefully bake the rest late Saturday night.  I am not actually making 20 pies - it takes two crusts for most pies. My goal is 10 but I am thinking I will try for 14 for bonus points (there are no bonus points).  I think I have the ingredients for 4 pumpkin pies, so that will make the crusts go further.  

This is probably my last festival.  Without even notifying the festival director, the church is bringing in someone to "register voters" and give them instructions on what to vote for in Ohio's 21 million dollar special election in August. I am so angry that they are actually promoting any kind of political agenda at the festival (which is supposed to be a fellowship of baseball, family activities, games and bbq chicken).  I told the director that I would honor my commitment this year but I am resigning my committee leadership, I will not be donating the ten items for silent auctions in the future and I will not be working any shifts.  Our church attendance (and all church attendance at all denominations in my town) are so low and I really feel that the mixture of politics and religion is turning people against organized religion.  Sorry for the rant.  I apologized to my friend the director, too.  None of this is her fault. 

I am still SO EXCITED to show you what we did on the final day of Gramma Camp!!!  I will be back with pictures after the festival clean up. 


  1. Good for you, standing up for something you feel so strongly about. You will be greatly missed I am sure.

  2. Oh wow. I thought there was a ban on churches getting involved in politics. I know my Step Daughter had told us that their pastor told them how to vote. Yikes.

    I cannot wait to see what you did at Gramma Camp!

  3. I totally agree with you about mixing politics with religion turning people off about religion and it's also against the constitution. There's already talk about doing away with the church's tax exempt status because of it and rightly so in my opinion. Sounds like your church event will loss a valuable asset in you.

  4. You are a better woman that I am! I would have said No pies for politics! Thinking good thoughts for you...some days are just hard:)

  5. You are amazing with all you do for others but I am with you on separation of church and state! You go girl go!

  6. You will be busy this week..I understand where you are coming from completely...I would resign too if Politics ever came into play at our church...In fact, I am hoping to slowly and I do say slowly, get back into volunteering for fund raisers at our church...I took a long break from that due to a priest we did not care for who was later removed, the Pandemic and my surgery before that...I hope I will have the time to do so as at the end of the year, if all goes well and God is good, our lives will be changing completely...I hope to be able to make an announcement on this in a week or 2....It is about something that I thought would never ever happen....I hope your weekend is enjoyable for you!!

  7. I would certainly not want the church I attend to tell me how to vote or suggest. So many do I am hearing.


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Miss Merry