Friday, December 8, 2023

Head Above Water

It's been a very busy December here at the Picket Fence, but the elves did move into the dollhouse 45 minutes before my youngest granddaughter arrived, so I am counting today as a win. 

First thing this morning we put a grandson on the bus and then took the two youngest grandsons three towns away to see a holiday model train exhibit.  

After my granddaughter inspected the dollhouse for any changes or improvements, her mother and baby brother joined us for our annual uptown walk to see the Christmas store windows. Somehow it was sixty degrees this evening which made this activity much more enjoyable than previous years. 

Tomorrow I am hosting 7 of the 10 grandchildren for gingerbread house making and hot cocoa taste testing.  I am hoping to bribe them into decorating my tree which has been barren since we set it up the day after Thanksgiving. 

I hope you all will enjoy some great December photos come January. 


  1. Lucky you Grandma! Going to look at the windows sounds wonderful. Our weather has been very warm the past few days too, but tomorrow is supposed to be about 20F colder. Still no snow though and so I'm not complaining one bit.
    Your gingerbread house making and cocoa tasting party sounds wonderful. I would love to be a fly on the wall!
    Blessings and love,

  2. I honestly do not know how you do it, watching all those grandchildren...As I have said before, I hope your children appreciate all you do and reward you accordingly....we only have a few weeks left now to the birth of our twin Grand daughters....Trying to schedule all my family and friend visits in as we will have the pups for a bit when she has the babies...I finally got to see her the other day since we have actually not saw them since August because of work schedules, etc. even though they live down the street and we take the dogs out for them every morning...She looks fantastic! I think I was bigger when I was pregnant with my oldest son and she is carrying twins...She is still working and hopes to work as long as they will allow her to do so...she is 34 weeks now...Most likely 3 more weeks left....Maybe New Year's babies
    Thanks so much for stopping by as I know how busy you always are...

  3. Wow! You still are so busy! Love it that the weather cooperated for a walk through town.
    Hopefully the kids will help decorate too. Awww, they will, you are the coolest grandma!

  4. I see by your calendar that while I have been lazing my way across the miles of friends for a little HELLO and to see their decor, you are busy with all those little talented, eager hands making an entire Wonderland at your HOUSE, right THIS MINUTE! I can smell the evergreen and gingerbread, the steaming cocoa and the peppermint from over here in the Heartland. Our group is scattered into seven states, and so we rely a lot of phone and pictures and chats, just sending images and thoughts to our far-flung brood.

    I can't help envying all the closeness and charm of such family gatherings, and I long for those far-ago days of paste and paper and tinsel and clay---family treasures are being made today, sure heirlooms and memories forged on a busy day. My very best wishes to you and all your sweet family for a wonderful Christmas Season!

  5. Busy busy time... but fun with grandkids! I'd love to see that dollhouse (you may have posted a pic, but I guess I missed it).

  6. It sounds like you're immersed in the holiday spirit, with the dollhouse move, model train exhibit, and Christmas store windows. The gingerbread house making and hot cocoa taste testing with your grandchildren sound like a delightful plan. Wishing you a wonderful time and looking forward to those January photos!

  7. I bet the gingerbread houses will be awesome fun!

  8. That sounds like so much fun! I'm looking forward to pictures of the gingerbread houses.


Thank you so much for stopping by to visit! I love your comments and suggestions and read them all. Due to spam, I will now have to approve all comments. Sometimes it takes me a hot minute to authorize comments due to grandchildren commitments. I apologize but I can't let those scammers get the upper hand!

Miss Merry