How was your weekend? I won't say mine was exhausting but I am sitting here on Monday evening thinking it should be Friday night.
We started on Friday with a Family Game Night. My granddaughter's school offered a "family game night" and when she went to sign up, you could only bring one family member. She didn't want to choose between Mom, step-dad or brother and was very disappointed. Crazy gramma invited the family to my family game night instead.
I looked out the back window when they left and saw this.
And when we left in the morning to pick up two more grandchildren whose brother had a basketball tournament, this is was our road trip.
Our granddaughter left with her parents for a girl's high school basketball game. It was the final four and they won! They will be playing for the state championship on Friday.
Meanwhile the three boys played legos, wooden trains, and hot wheels in every room of my house. We had a taste test of chocolate chip cookies after lunch.
By then they were totally stir crazy so we took a road trip to look at the baby chicks.
No, we are not buying baby chicks.
We regained the granddaughter after the the game and, because it was Saturday, we played school.
For dinner some had chicken nuggets and some had spaghetti. Because I run a diner. Grampa had left over pizza and Mimi had left over fish sticks.
There is a fourth child hiding somewhere in there.
We put sleeping bags in the living room (since the guest room is full of bathroom supplies) and watched movies. The last one did not fall asleep until 11:30 pm . . . And at 3 am Mimi gave up sleeping in the recliner and went to bed herself. But they were up by 7 am for breakfast!
They seemed a little tired, but perked up after donuts.
We all got a little grumpy , but had lunch.
And we went to see our local high school production of Shrek!
Where we met up with more cousins for the 3pm performance! Nine seats, front row balcony where no one fell asleep or got fidgety despite the fact that the production lasted over three hours. Next year I would like a heads up if a school play lasts over three hours.
We filed out as soon as the curtain went down so that we could drop off others and drive the two weekenders home. We left town with some happy meals and were on the formerly snowy route above, but with no snow. My car (the one we were riding in) texted me this.
It wasn't flat, but was worrisome. We finally came to the village before theirs and bought some air. Note: Air is $2.50 and you need a credit card. It brought up the pressure in that tire. We took the kids home and by the time we were going through that village again, the car texted me again. $2.50 for more air.
We got home at 8:00 pm and I started work on the eight Lego costumes my granddaughter had promised to the music teacher for the play this coming Thursday. I guess the teacher asked who had a toy costume and she volunteered that I had made one for her brother at Halloween that she could wear. Then she told her friend I would make her one, too. Then we needed four so I went and bought supplies. Then four turned into eight and I had to make another trip.
Finished them around 11:30 pm Sunday.
Got up, made breakfasts, put one on a bus, took one to preschool and dropped off my vehicle (which had a totally flat tire when we got up) at the tire place and went to get our taxes done. Then went back to the tire place because I left our tax folder in my car.
We made it to our tax guy who charged us for the privilege of informing us we needed to write a check for $1200 to our crazy government.
By then our car was ready for pick up with a repaired tire (a piece of metal was in the tread). We christened today How Much Can We Spend Monday and drowned our sorrows in chocolate milk shakes at the ice cream stand that just opened. Because, although it snowed on Saturday - it was almost 70 degrees today. We wanted to go out to lunch, but all the restaurants in my town are closed on Monday (all two of them), so we got a hamburger, too.
We came home, watched the stock market crash. I had withdrawn my investments and put them in a high yield certificate of some kind at my bank but my silly husband still has his rapidly shrinking account.
I had my church meeting where the theme was people with mental illness struggling with life and then came home to make the next recipe challenge in my goddaughter's recipe contest.
It's a Big Mac Wrap! Mr Merry about had a heart attack when he thought I was putting pickles on a burrito, but when he tasted it, he loved it! It was a fast and easy recipe and we will make it again. I think next time I will fold them into a square and put them in my panini press to melt the cheese.
In my facebook memories was this picture from 2016. I guess things don't really change much, LOL.
And now I am going to bed.