Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Spring Break

A new post already because I don't want the last post at the top of my page. 

The bathroom renovation has begun. Do you see the writing on the wall? 

I posted these pictures in our family group shot and my middle son shared that he remembers that he and his younger brother were put to bed and when the oldest came to bed, he told them he and dad had signed the wall behind the new cupboards. And they were so jealous. 
So that was cute. And I told them that anyone else who now wants to sign the wall 33 years later has two days to come and do it! 

And then I took grampa out for his favorite hamburger at an out of town hamburger stand to thank him for his hard work. 
It turns out the hamburger stand is closed on Tuesdays, but there is a Mexican restaurant across the street. 
Meanwhile the two moms and a dad took this group on a movie and dinner outing.  I couldn't make it. Thank goodness.

My oldest daughter is in London with her family and this is the living room in their Airbnb. And isn't it just what you would expect? So cute. 

I got another book in the mail (that I ordered) and it is on the top of the to-be-read pile. And today I spotted another to-be-read pile I forgot about in my bedroom. 

And this afternoon I visited the Physical Therapy Department for an evaluation.  It turns out I am not just clumsy. I have some reasons to be clumsy. 

I did a whole series of simple tests and she confirmed that my left foot and even my left leg drags. She thinks it is possibly due to my sciatica and that my shingles followed the sciatic nerve and caused nerve damage. So I will be going to physical therapy to strengthen the foot and leg.  
And she really noticed my balance is off. It wasn't just me. She isn't sure what caused it; could be scar tissue from ear infections, but it was obvious that I have trouble maintaining balance without being able to tap a wall or keep my eyes open or keep my arms where I can reach out to grab something. She had me stand on a piece of foam and it was like I was in outer space. There is something called Vistibular Rehabilitation Therapy for that.  There are a few therapists out there that specialize in both so I am getting signed up for three sessions a week for three weeks and we will see what's up.  I am hoping to be able to go places this summer without clutching a stroller for support.  And hopefully I won't fall out of any more cars. 

I moved my church day to tomorrow. Thursday I am going to an imagination station with a crew of children and parents and Friday I am starting PT and then taking two other grandchildren out to lunch on the island - since our temperatures are supposed to go up 30 degrees higher than they were today. I hope that is true. 

And in the meantime I have exercises to do 3 times a day as I walk up and down my hallway. A purpose in life! 


  1. Well that sounds like progress! Go PT! I sure hope they can help with your balance issues. I really do believe in PT. I visited our local PT department off an on for yrs for shoulder, elbow, and hand stuff!
    Go you!
    Busy lady!

  2. Good luck with PT. My younger daughter Lisa is a PT working at a hospital in Nevada.

  3. Fun to see those signatures on the wall!
    I love the London AirBnB. Your mexican food looks good!
    Good you are going to PT, and I bet that vestibular therapy will help!

  4. Looking forward to seeing the finished bathroom as I am sure you are too!! Cute idea about signing the wall...Thanks so much for all your visits!! Still trying to get my Easter decorating done...Working in the Kitchen now...Our weather here in NEPA has been fluctuating between Winter and Spring...Temps. in the 20's in the mornings and then going up to near 70!! Typical for our area...I hope PT will work out for you..I was so off balance because of my knee and that did correct a bit after my surgery but because of issues with my back, I still am off balance as I tilt to one side due to my scoliosis...I hope you are having a good week!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  5. We renovated bathrooms in 2018. It's a process! I have empathy for you with balance. My balance is terrible. I sure hope the PT helps you. That's a lot of little ones at the table!

  6. I hope that Physical Therapy helps you!

  7. The writing on the wall was too cute, how nice to see that again. Great photos of the Mexican food and your healthy grandchildren but gosh Miss Merry I am sorry about your own balance problems and nerve causes. Shingles is the awful gift that keeps giving. 😢

  8. I had a feeling these falls were more than coincidence or clumsiness! My bad knee makes one leg shorter than the other, not by much but just enough to cause episodes of 'clumsiness.'


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Miss Merry