Tuesday, March 4, 2025

What A Monday

I traded my Thursday in the charity office for Monday because we have a nursery school tea party in the middle of my usual shift. The recipe challenge this week was stew in a crock pot so I thought this would work and took a shortcut.                              

Unfortunately we didn't get to the stew until almost 8pm.  By then the peas had lost color and the homemade biscuits in the recipe became Pillsbury Crescent Rolls. 

In between my work shift and our early evening activity, my middle son and his sons came over to help move the supplies for the new bathroom in to my spare room to get to room temperature. 

The middle box is the mirror cabinet. 

This box explains the whole project. I visited the bathroom department so frequently that we are now personal friends. And this sink and countertop were labeled by my first name.  This is the same box that was missing in action and had to be reordered. Reordered by me in person standing there pointing to the Carrera Marble countertop that I was splurging on. Spoiler Alert. It is not Carrera Marble.  

So I spent four hours last week uttering some terrible language. Pouting. Ranting (all in the privacy of my home because I am not that person in public). What came is still marble. Actually a little more expensive than the one I ordered. And the same color scheme of the bathroom.  

I had to have a long talk with myself. In my head I was designing this pristine, clean bathroom with a white marble countertop. In real life I have ten grimy grandchildren washing their hands and mud caked toys in that sink. Maybe God thought I needed a gray sink.  Here is the color of the new counter top.  I am keeping it. 

Any way.  Here are the shower walls and a piece for the flooring. 
The shower pan is sitting on a huge pile of mattresses. 

I can't remove enough packing material to show you the color of the gray cabinet and mirror frame. 

I believe the time table is waiting on the weather since the removal of the unit we have needs to go through a wall of some kind? Now I'm thinking and that doesn't make sense. But demolition has not started yet. And while today is actually 61 degrees, I think our high temperature for tomorrow is 28. 

After moving this stuff in the room, we attended the nursery school open house and art show where this guy sang a solo. 

And we had a special delivery from my niece in New Orleans for Fat Tuesday!  

My youngest grandson was very disappointed that his mother's slice had the "baby" and she gets to have good luck! 

Other than the actual eating of the King Cake, all that happened on Monday and that is why I wasn't making homemade biscuits at 7:30 pm at night for dinner. 

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Miss Merry