Thursday, January 9, 2025


Breakfast for 4th grader 7am, Breakfast for Pre K 7:15 am,  put on actual attire, makeup and hair while grampa puts one on the bus and one to school.  9 am Homeless Task Force Meeting, 11:30 am Church Charity Office, 2:30 home, make dinner, drink tea.  

Update on Bathroom Remodel. Plan to have all supplies by Christmas failed when we were notified the final items had arrived for pick up.  The vanity cabinet was missing. Was it the fault of the store? Was it the fault of the shipper? Each accused the other.  Paid in full, special order. Refund was received. Vanity was reordered. It is ready for pickup tomorrow when we are expecting 5" of snow.  Saturday we are expecting an additional 3" of snow. Will roads be clear enough to go out of town on Sunday? Stay tuned. 

Update on Free Time:  Wednesday Church Office volunteer's wife fell off a 6' ladder while he was at the office yesterday. She has a broken shoulder and a broken wrist and shattered her elbow which will have to be repaired surgically at the trauma center where she was flown. Of course I am so sorry for the pain and surgery and recovery she will need. I will also be working an additional day in the church office so he can be with her. I can not imagine the pain of a shattered elbow. It has to be just awful. 

Fun fact for the week:  I had a young client yesterday who is expecting a baby in two weeks. She was very uncomfortable in her interview and assured me it was "false labor".  Today I had a young client who is scheduled for a c-section tomorrow morning. 

Update on Christmas Decorations and Tree: all remain in place. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


Breakfast for 4th grader at 7.  Breakfast for Pre K at 7:30, Bus for 4th grader at 8, Drive Pre K to school at 8:15, Work on Shutterfly book (youngest son's surprise party last Sunday) for coupon that actually expired a week ago, while husband clears driveways and walks in the neighborhood.  Call from church charity- worker has family medical crisis, Put on a bra and go to work at church charity.  Clients until 2:30, Pre K pickup at 2:45, Run through McDonalds for late lunch - 20 minute wait after paying at drive thru, run to drug store for photo pickup and buy tooth paste, gas station to fill tank, home to finish Shutterfly book to find coupon expired, fold one load of laundry, make dinner, bake a loaf of pumpkin bread for breakfast tomorrow. Tomorrow - feed kids, kids to school, Homeless Council meeting, all day in Church Charity office.  Tree will remain standing. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Christmas Getaway 2024

I have entered my dreaded January What Was I Thinking Era.  The tree is still up, all the decorations I had to decorate with are still up, I am frantically planning meals to make room for a steer in the freezer next week, slippery snowy weather is keeping grandkids home from school and I am a month behind in blogging.

We survived the Christmas getaway. Increasing from two children to eight and from two adults to four adults was a jump. And a lot. Everyone had a great time but Gramma Mimi isn't sure she is up to it another year. 

In no order, a bunch of photos. 

I have about 500 more photos, including everyone in cute matching pjs, Christmas sweaters and all kinds of Christmas accessories I collected.  But I will spare you the rest.  

I guess this catches me up to about 30 days ago. Maybe I will be back tomorrow with more! 

Miss Merry