Thursday, January 9, 2025


Breakfast for 4th grader 7am, Breakfast for Pre K 7:15 am,  put on actual attire, makeup and hair while grampa puts one on the bus and one to school.  9 am Homeless Task Force Meeting, 11:30 am Church Charity Office, 2:30 home, make dinner, drink tea.  

Update on Bathroom Remodel. Plan to have all supplies by Christmas failed when we were notified the final items had arrived for pick up.  The vanity cabinet was missing. Was it the fault of the store? Was it the fault of the shipper? Each accused the other.  Paid in full, special order. Refund was received. Vanity was reordered. It is ready for pickup tomorrow when we are expecting 5" of snow.  Saturday we are expecting an additional 3" of snow. Will roads be clear enough to go out of town on Sunday? Stay tuned. 

Update on Free Time:  Wednesday Church Office volunteer's wife fell off a 6' ladder while he was at the office yesterday. She has a broken shoulder and a broken wrist and shattered her elbow which will have to be repaired surgically at the trauma center where she was flown. Of course I am so sorry for the pain and surgery and recovery she will need. I will also be working an additional day in the church office so he can be with her. I can not imagine the pain of a shattered elbow. It has to be just awful. 

Fun fact for the week:  I had a young client yesterday who is expecting a baby in two weeks. She was very uncomfortable in her interview and assured me it was "false labor".  Today I had a young client who is scheduled for a c-section tomorrow morning. 

Update on Christmas Decorations and Tree: all remain in place. 


  1. I am enjoying the Christmas update. I predict that at this rate, you may have the decorations down by the 4th of July. :-) I'm so sorry for your friends fall. I can't imagine a broken wrist, shoulder AND shattered elbow. I hope they've given her lots of pain meds.
    And I hope that the predicted snow doesn't appear and that you'll be able to get your vanity. You deserve it. Go to lunch too!
    Blessings and love, hugs too because I think you need one.

  2. Oh yikes. Falling off a ladder is never good. Hope her surgery goes well and healing is quick. My mom's ankle was shattered when she was hit by the truck in November of 2023. The bone fragments they could salvage are literally cemented back together so she does not have full range of motion and has been warned to be very careful. Prior to the truck accident she had wrist surgery and a partial hip replacement due to falling. I think a lesson we can all learn is to slow down and take each day as it comes, doing bit by bit, knowing everything happens in its own good time. Orthodox Christians just celebrated Christmas on January 7th so you're still good with the tree and decorations being up. :)

  3. My gosh that poor volunteers wife! Her injuries just sound awful. You really need to slow down and catch your breath, MM! I must admit I am looking forward to the day you finally get to take down your holiday decor though. If I lived closer I think I'd be volunteering to help YOU.


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Miss Merry