Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Guest Room Christmas Project Part 1


I was never one to decorate early for Christmas. I didn't wait until after Thanksgiving, I waited until December 1. And when my kids were young and we had a live tree, we would cut one at the tree farm on Christmas Eve morning to make sure it was healthy through Epiphany, my youngest son's birthday. 

But as I get older, I get slower. And it just seems like it is suddenly a few days until Christmas and most of the decorations are still in boxes and I still need to bake . . .  So I have joined the early birds. 

Last year I started "Project Hallmark Christmas Inn" and decorated our master bedroom for the season. That is the third room on my list this year. First is my freshly painted and carpeted guest room. 

The theme came early in February when Christmas bedding was marked down for final sale - it's a Fa La La Llama Christmas! I have been picking up items all year and am pulling them from the hiding places. The photos are helping me make changes - add an extra gray throw pillow- lose the red one.

The quilts, ordered online, turned out to be super thin. Which worked out great because I was able to put them over the existing bedding and won't have to figure out where to store what was there. I have a 17" llama pillow coming for this bed. 

I ordered two of these 4' white trees, with multi colored lights on clearance for $10 a a piece, free shipping. I picked up the red tree collars at 5 Below, a store I had never visited before. The dresser topper will be changing to something else. Here is a look at the new drapes for this room, too. 

The wreaths were $5 at 5 Below (this is a dangerous store, lol) and the picture shows me that I need to fix the top of this tree. 

The new closet doors! Yes, I will change the wreath hangers to match each other. And I found the pom pom garland that will go over the doors. I have the fabric to make the rag garlands for window valances, but I think I will work on that project at the end of the month when I go out of town to stay with my oldest daughter's tweenagers. I also have some nifty large llamas for the walls.  There will be update posts. 

I recently saw a "Mr. Kringle Suite" advertised at a fancy hotel in Cleveland for $600 a night. I told my grandchildren I will be accepting reservations for this room and charging a special family rate.  

Actually, the first guest is here tonight before the room is even finished. A co-grandparent became very ill and there was a meeting in a McDonalds parking lot with a weeks worth of clothing exchanged for our four year old birthday boy.  He and two brothers were here the day before with fevers as we are still passing the fall 2022 respiratory infection around. I was on antibiotics for 10 days, found my voice but still have a sore throat and cough. The kids are playing tag and merry-go-round with it, as they trade spiking fevers. And two even came down with hand, hoof and mouth - which is a virus I have learned. It's going to be a long winter. 


  1. Hi
    So beautiful Miss Merry's House decorat for Christmas. Beautiful gust room decorat bedroom. Nice colour choice bedsheet & pillows. Amazing the hangers hung on the new closet. Good job work. I like .

  2. First of all, I'm so sorry that the kids are sick and so is the co-grandparent. And that you're still not well. I do think it will be a hard winter for many in so many ways.
    But I have to tell you how much I adore the decorating theme of your guest room. I adore llama's and sheep. Anything decorating with them is a winner for me. Your's looks great!
    I'll be praying for a return to health for all of you.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. Beautiful decorating! Just wow, it blows me away. I don't have that kind of 'eye' for matching things up at all.

    As for all of those colds, yikes. Hopefully everyone starts to feel much better soon.

  4. Lovely decorating! I especially like the bedding.

  5. Your guests will never want to leave.

  6. What a fun room! I hope your grands get over everything soon! Little kids seem to be having a tough year...I know my Great Grands have had ear infections and strep throat and a bout with throwing up. :(

  7. Love the guest room and now I need to go and check out 5 Below which is in the Shopping Center next to us....Thanks for your sweet comments on my weight loss....It has not been easy but it sure has been worth it as I feel so much better....I hope the respiratory virus season ends soon for all of you....Can't wait to see more of your decorating!! Thanks for all your visits as I know how busy you are...

  8. Me again!! Thanks so much for stopping by! I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule....I hope you all are feeling better...

  9. Hope you are feeling better well before the holidays. I'm impressed that you've started your early decorating while you are still under the weather. I need to get myself in gear. Soon.

  10. Me again!! Thanks for dropping by once again!! That flocked Tree was too much of a bargain to pass up last year and I am thrilled with how it turned out after being decorated with my Shiny Brite ornaments....Glad i did not pass on it when Joe called me about a Tree for under $10!!! LOL!! Hope you are all feeling better...

  11. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!! Did you get the village up today like you mentioned ??? I am all done decorating for Christmas and now I can sit back and relax!! So happy!!
    Have a great weekend!!

  12. Your room is really coming a long. LOVE the doors. I know you said when you were picking them out you opted for the more expensive ones...good choice in my opinion. Sorry to hear about all the viruses. It's a tough time of the year to be sick and with families gathering it makes things worse. No one wants to miss out so they come to the gatherings sick so everyone else will get it. Hoof and mouth, my nephews had it a few years back.......HIGHLY contagious. Like you I ordered Christmas spreads/quilts for the two bedrooms, and put them over top the regular spread as they are light weight and wouldn't be warm enough on their own...and it does eliminate the extra storage sitatuion you mentioned. I wanted to get 2 different quilts, but ended up with 2 of the same due to the size that was available. Just got them on the beds yesterday and hung a Christmas shower curtain to "decorate" the bathroom.
    Sandy's Space

  13. Me again!! Thanks so much for all your visits and kind words!!! My DIL has Covid again and Joe has been exposed to it at work so we are testing daily but remain asymptomatic...Back to wearing a mask everywhere I go now again!! UGH!! I hope everyone there in your family is feeling better!!

  14. Thanks again for stopping by!! Glad you liked the posts on my Dining Room...I do enjoy decorating that room especially at Christmas...Hope things settle down and you are not so frazzled...I am all for a stress free holiday anymore....
    Hope you have a good week!!

  15. Waving hi as I make my blog rounds. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas with friends and family. Stay warm, and healthy. Neither of which is that easy these days.
    Sandy's Space

  16. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your family!! I hope everyone is feeling better and that you had a lovely Christmas!!! I started decorating early when i was working full time nights, running a craft fair for our church and was also a vendor at that craft fair and others...Since I do not do any of that now, with just the volume of my decorations in every room, I need to start early...This year worked out perfectly because i was DONE by Thanksgiving so I finally got to sit back and enjoy the holiday season! I watched a lot of Christmas movies and specials, did some crafting, read a few Christmas magazines and stories and thoroughly and calmly enjoyed this Holiday season!!! Luckily everyone was well this year and so far, we have been able to spend it together with our family of 5!! Today we celebrate my oldest son's Birthday and then they will be over for New year's Eve and New Year's Day dinner too!! Keeping my fingers crossed that everyone stays healthy.....Thanks so much for your friendship during this past year! I have really appreciated your visits and your stories!!!
    Take care,

  17. I saw a llama Christmas ornament on clearance at my local Walmart yesterday. Just saying. I have been hitting the after Christmas clearance sales to put together a box of fun pre-Christmas goodies to ship to my grands next year for them open in the days between getting out of school for the holidays and Christmas 2023.

  18. Thanks again for stopping by!! I hope everyone is well at your house...We are all doing well here, thank goodness!! We are finally supposed to get some snow Sunday into Monday but it depends on the track of the storm as to how much we will get...Time will tell!! I hope you have a good weekend!!


Thank you so much for stopping by to visit! I love your comments and suggestions and read them all. Due to spam, I will now have to approve all comments. Sometimes it takes me a hot minute to authorize comments due to grandchildren commitments. I apologize but I can't let those scammers get the upper hand!

Miss Merry