Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Ending April

I guess I'm sharing photos again!  I wanted to do one last post for April and, as usual, I am too tired to think of words. (Ha, talking nonstop is my super power)

Tomorrow I am going to our four day State Genealogy Conference which is being held conveniently in the city next to us. I am driving back and forth each day and I am pretty excited to be out and about. I did not register for the lunches with speakers ($40). Instead I am going to take my own self, all by myself, to a nearby Olive Garden and sit by myself and treat myself to the soup and salad lunch. 


We bought grandparent/grandchildren season passes to a Hands On Childrens "Imagination Station".  I bought special outfits for our first trip. 

The plan worked. This was our ride home. 

When Mimi gets you ready for soccer. 

Yes, the egg that made them awestruck was a double yolker. 

I put this photo on my Facebook page. I have lived here over 40 years. I have planted hundreds of bulbs. This year I have zero tulips and one daffodil.  And boy, is this daffodil hardy. It flowered at least 2 weeks ago and we have had a few frosts. It looks exactly the same.  And I touched it today to make sure it was real. 

Does anyone read the Joanne Fluke books about the baker that solves mysteries? This recipe came from one of those books. It is called "Cheese Pops" and the description in the book got me.  I skimmed the recipe poorly and dashed off a quick grocery list.  It took me 3 days to make them.  There is a lot of "chill for 3 hours" which stretches into the next day because I have moved to a different project. They were okay.  I have already formulated a variation which will streamline the process and change it up a little.  I won't have time to try it for a while, but I think the premise is good. 

Her books have been made into a series on Hallmark or Lifetime. When we didn't have cable, I was so jealous that others got to watch these cozy mystery series.  Then we got cable. I am one of "those". The actresses do not resemble the characters in the books, not physically and not by their actions. I  have not found one mystery series that I enjoy. So I am back to re-reading my books and trying to talk my husband into cancelling cable! 


  1. Nice photos! I love the soccer outfit, it took me a bit to figure it out.
    My tulips have always been in a sad state. This year not one bloomed but I had a leaf or two. My daffodils near the house are all going strong because they gather heat from the siding.
    Sounds like a really neat conference you are going to. I can't wait to hear about it.

    Going by yourself seems perfectly reasonable. A little 'me' time!

  2. Those kids are so, so cute. Especially the sleeping ones! :-) Good for you! I have read the entire Hannah Swenson series by Joanna Fluke. In fact, I started getting them on audio book to listen to while I knit. Dennis started listening too and has been asking me when the new one will be out since we've been finished "reading" the others for months. We watched three of the Hallmark shows and I won't watch anymore. They were so disappointing. Nothing like the characters in the books at all.
    I'm starting a new series I heard about and I'll let you know if they're any good.

  3. Finally it is letting me comment! I have no idea why it wouldn't let me but I am so happy! I felt terrible every time I came over and read your posts and couldn't comment. Your grands are so cute. You are such an amazing grandmother! I love the Joanne Fluke books! I watched one t.v. episode and I did not remind me of the books at all. The character was all wrong.
    I hope it will continue t o let me comment.


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Miss Merry