Thursday, April 13, 2023

Too Much Talking

My last two posts were words. And a little sad.  

So I think I would change things up with a few random photos and be a little more upbeat. 

Things are still crazy. I told someone I feel like I am running on a hamster wheel! We are finishing our fourth school break this week. 

Let's start with breakfast! I have not only friended a local source for fresh eggs, my eggs are delivered to my porch on their daughter's ballet lesson day. 

I wanted to try a new breakfast restaurant that I had heard SO much about before our tourist season begins.  We ordered coffee that came in mugs, we got a carafe of coffee for the table and she brought us filled carry out cups of coffee when we left. 

I was privileged to attend "Hello Dolly" at one school, "The Descendants" at another school and was specially invited to this second grade concert. 

My Beswick Beatrix Potter figures stood guard on my Easter Petit Fours.

We are back to Muffin Tin Mondays for lunch for my preschoolers.

Our normal temperatures in April are in the forties and fifties.  Sometimes we get a light snow.  Today our temperatures were in the eighties and grampa did his best to create shade for our outdoor play. Our trees don't have leaves yet!!!


  1. You are definitely a busy Grandma and Grandpa. What blessings you are to your children and grandchildren. No worries about if caregivers are treating the children well when it's the people who love them with all of their hearts! And I know you do.
    I can just imagine how much the kids love Muffin Tin Monday. How fun for the little ones. :-)
    It was 89 here today, 86 predicted for tomorrow and 46 for Saturday! They're already saying we can have some strong storms. I sure hope not!
    I hope you have a wonderful Friday!

  2. You have to be The Absolutely Coolest Grandma Ever! You are very creative and thoughtful. Love how you created shade in the yard.
    We had 90 this week! Yikes!
    By this weekend, we'll have snow and sleet and rain. Welcome to April, weather of the wild!

  3. Green grass and no snow!! Looks good to me! That table is set so nicely!


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Miss Merry