Sunday, July 28, 2024

End of July Weather Report: Hot

 It's a long, hot summer here at the Merry house. 

I did go with the kids to the water park one day. It was miserably hot. Since my bathing costume is a shirt and capri's, I was melting. You can't bring your own chair with arms so I was forced to sit on a lounger 6 inches from the ground. Luckily I brought my stroller so I could pull myself up. I will not be doing that again. 

We do go to a wonderful park near my house in the early mornings, before it gets too warm. Then we come home to eat chicken nuggets and watch minion movies. 

My class reunion is approaching and I had to have a long talk with myself.  No more shopping. Nothing will help me look 50 pounds thinner and 50 years younger. Accept it Miss Merry. 

We still haven't started the remodeling project. Mr Merry broke a tooth yesterday so we will have to look at that cost and the effect of the trauma on his work schedule. He was eating ice cream at the time. He is in no pain, but his bp is through the roof. He is very upset about this. I hope hope hope I can get him into the dentist tomorrow. 

Our oldest granddaughter is in an art competition or experience or something where she will be stationed on a street corner in a city almost two hours away and painting for the next three days. We are driving up this afternoon in our air conditioned car, sweating on the sidewalk to watch her and driving home. 

I have a confession. I have an unhealthy attachment to inanimate objects and another one is furniture. My youngest daughter recently married and she and her husband are combining two households. When my kids were setting up households, I was dispersing items that belonged to my mother and my grandmother. And my great aunt.  I can't bear to see these on a curb or on Facebook Marketplace. While we are watching the artist, a couch and china cabinet will be placed in my garage.  Tomorrow I will see if I can stretch the walls of my house to make room for them. . . My youngest granddaughter has made room for my grandmother's Victorian vanity and my daughter has found a place for my great aunt's hope chest.  I can't bear to part with any of it. 

Well, as I was typing the furniture arrived. Luckily Mr Merry was in the shower and my moving crew moved the couch in front of my couch and the china cabinet is wedged in my dining room. Tomorrow my 12 and 9 year old furniture movers can assist me in my first plan. I think I can move the hutch into my guest room where there is currently a book case.  I guess my first step will be measuring tape. Mr Merry will have to lend me his box of "sliders". 

The "garden", 2 tomato plants, 2 green pepper plans and 4 pots of lettuce have been thriving in the heat and city water I provide. We are getting enough tomatoes I have been freezing them whole for spaghetti sauce, as well as eating tomato salads every night for dinner. Neither of us eat stuffed or raw peppers but I freeze in strips for sausage sandwiches.  We enjoyed lots of salads but the plants have gone to seed. Next year I am only doing iceberg. I had 3 varieties but we thought the other two were bitter.  The daylilies are all brown and cut down but the Rose of Sharons are blooming.  

I think that is all the trivia in my life for now. My teacher daughters already are scheduling classroom days so the quantity of grandchildren during the day is increasing. I think I need to stock up on bread, milk, butter and popsicles for the coming week. 

Stay Cool Fellow Bloggies! 



  1. Just reading this, Miss Merry, I wish I had your stamina.

  2. I know how you feel, I cannot let go of family heirlooms. I can't think about what will happen to them when I die. You are so right about nothing will make you younger. I realized fully my age a few months ago after someone I knew kong ago died and I thought of how many intervening years there had been. Yikes!! You are a good grandma. I don't know how much of what you do I would be capable of. I hope you can still get on with remodeling.

  3. Poor Mr. Merry, please tell him that I'm praying for him to continue with no pain and that he will soon have a whole tooth again. (And lower BP.)
    When we sold our house in Spokane and moved into our camper, then into a house here in Omaha, then into an apartment while waiting for a condo to become available and then, finally, into our condo, I learned to let go. A few things like my Mom's vanity ended up in Mandy's guest room and my hope chest at the end of her bed. She also has the rocking chair I got when I was pregnant with her. She has my Grandma's washing stand too. I kept the dresser that Dennis had as a baby. That's it. Everything else went away. I have no other furniture from those days. I've finally learned that "you can't take it with you." For years I couldn't part with anything. I'm slowly still simplifying our lives and getting rid of things.
    I can't believe how much you do every day. It's so hot here too. We're in a heat warning the next few days with "feels like" temperatures predicted to be over 115F. I'll be inside.
    Take care my friend and stay cool. Lots and lots of popsicles.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. I know what you mean about attachments to furniture, I have some things I need to get rid of. I did sell a loveseat that was just taking up space last month! In its place is a small massaging heat computer type chair and a foot rest. :) You are a busy lady, getting ready for school already!

  5. I didn't have attachments to things like that but that is because when I moved away from home, I took only my clothes in the back seat of my car and a few other items. Hubby can't let go of things so I do understand it.
    I do love old chairs though! I am still trying to get together with a cousin. She offered me my Grandfather's rocking chair and I would love that.

    You are so insanely busy! But that is what keeps you so young and vigorous! My 50 yr reunion is being held I guess this summer too. I doubt I'll go. I went to the 25 yr one and that was all about $$$ and prosperity. I didn't fit in well in high school so it isn't a big deal to me.

    Gosh. Getting ready for school already? Wow, this summer is flying by.

  6. I hate to see family pieces leave the family fold too. It really hurts.

    Regarding your reunion, I'll bet half the people going have the same wish about losing weight and erasing years. Fortunately, few of us judge others by our looks the way we did back in school.

  7. Hope you found room for your heirlooms. I'm sentimental about stuff like too. I love pieces with a history.

  8. Your furniture sounds like beautiful, true heirlooms. Good that you found space for them.

  9. Thank you for the "report" of your activities.
    I find it amusing to see Grandparents from so many kilometers away doing such similar activities.
    Now I'm in the south of Portugal, in the Algarve (house by the sea) spending 2 weeks with one of my children and 3 grandchildren. But they are older: 22,19 and 16.
    In principle we share tasks (but sometimes I enjoy spending more time with them and make meals myself....)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I know how you feel when sitting low and having a time getting up. I got a chuckle from that because I know exactly how it is. You are so right, accept how we are, I am the same, nothing makes me look thinner, Ugh! Or younger! I still am walking up right, and I am thankful for that.
    We are doing the same with tomatoes and cukes. I can't wait for summer to have some fresh ones but grow tired of eating them every evening. Too hot to cook though. May make some macaroni salad with some this evening. Enjoy your summer with your grandchildren as I can see you are. They keep us moving and that's a good thing.

  12. I have a confession. I have an unhealthy attachment to inanimate objects... ME TOO. *LOL* Sorry to hear of your crisis woes as well, Dental Work can be so expensive. I'm trying to strengthen my Core so I have the Legs and Core Muscles to get up and down... the Legs seem to be the first to go and my Mom warned me of this and told me to work on keeping my flexibility too. I have always been flexible and have maintained that quite well... but getting up can be challenging, depending on how long I've been down? *winks*


Thank you so much for stopping by to visit! I love your comments and suggestions and read them all. Due to spam, I will now have to approve all comments. Sometimes it takes me a hot minute to authorize comments due to grandchildren commitments. I apologize but I can't let those scammers get the upper hand!

Miss Merry