Thursday, December 19, 2024

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

The countdown to Christmas here has begun.  I went to the grocery store this afternoon and got 90% of what was on my list.  I worked on my Christmas cards at church and mailed 90% of them.  And just ordered another box because I don't have enough. 

I have one more pile to wrap, I have a list of rooms to clean in order so that children aren't following behind me. I need to make a prep and oven schedule for Sunday morning. I need to recount chairs and refrigerator items. 

I am coming down with a cold. 

Perhaps planning an out of town Christmas weekend the week before was not the wisest choice. And we also have tickets to see Beauty and the Beast on Saturday afternoon.  Poor time management, Mimi. 

I am thinking our Christmas getaway will make a lovely post in January, LOL. 

In the midst of being overwhelmed, I did work today in our charity office.  I had one out of town client who is in her 70's and is leaving a domestic situation. We are assisting her with the security deposit to move into a senior apartment in our area, on her own, on January 5. I had another client in his 70's (I remember him in high school as a popular football player, he did not recognize me as a mousy freshman), who was getting his utilities shut off on Monday due to some medical situations with him and his wife, as well as some money management issues. I was able to call the utility company and pay the shut off as well as a month ahead so hopefully they can get it together.  And my last client was a young mother and father. They lost one apartment and have been staying on couches of friends. They have two small children.  They were able to move into  an apartment October 1. Her job has cut back her hours and she could pay everything this month (December) except rent.  We were able to pay her entire rent for December. She has a job interview tomorrow for a better paying job with more hours, she is applying for Metro housing in hopes of lowering her rent and really seems like they are trying.  

It made me feel good to be able to help all three clients. And it made me feel guilty that I have spent a lot of money on cards and stamps. And it made me feel guilty that after finishing phone calls to landlords and utility companies, I was able to go to the grocery store and buy whatever I wanted without worrying about the cost (okay, I was at Aldi and I was buying breakfast food). But I wasn't using my calculator to pay for it.  

Sometimes I get in my head with a real boo-hoo mood about life and stress and crap and who knows what else.  But the real truth is that I have it pretty darn good.  I was able to fool around with finances the past four years and make extra interest on investments which went toward the bathroom.  I had enough in my secret bank account (the envelope in my underwear drawer) to pay for my Christmas weekend.  And I have been able to stock up for the next four years so we can ride out whatever silly financial decisions our country makes (hopefully). 

And if I didn't spend enough at the grocery store (the total seemed lower than I was expecting), the pizza places open at noon and we can get delivery.  

Merry Christmas!  (luckily I just received a case of kleenex too). 


  1. I understand what you mean when you talk about feeling guilty when your life is comfortable and others not so much, I wrestle with the same feelings too. But your charity work sounds wonderful, you're an inspiration. (Sad and ironic about that former jock in high school...) I sure hope your holidays are filled with lots of good things Miss Merry Christmas 🎄 ❤️🙂

  2. I'm sorry you have a cold - terrible timing!
    It's good to be reminded of how good we have it. I have shopped with a calculator in the past, but don't have to do that anymore.
    I think I'm pretty ready for Christmas, just a little baking on Christmas Eve. We're going away too - leaving bright and early tomorrow morning to visit our son in KY.
    Merry Christmas - feel better!

  3. Oh darn! Kleenex. That's what I forgot at the grocery store today. Your post reminded me that I opened the last box the other day. You have to have kleenex on hand this time of year. I'm so sorry that you're getting a cold just in time for all of the merry-making. Just what I did at Thanksgiving. How wonderful you must feel being able to help people who come into your office. I know, Dennis and I both do with our our time at the Open Door Mission here. It certainly reminds a person of how blessed we are, just as you said. We've thought of going away for Christmas, but just don't know where to go. I guess we'll just stay home as usual. Our best friends in Spokane are taking off Saturday morning for Honolulu. Wish I was going along in their suitcase! :-)
    Take care and don't do too much. Just enjoy. Making memories is what is important, not all of the details.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. If it weren't for people like you and the social workers at the VA, my husband would have been homeless and living in his little truck before we met. I used to have a secret account to that involved and envelope! I used it to save up for something important like you have.

    I hope your cold doesn't interfere with your weekend. Awful me. I really don't do Christmas Cards anymore and I should. Our Christmas will be just the two of us and Charlie. However, if the weather improves we'll have visitors for a day this weekend.

    You are an amazing mom and grandma!

  5. I guess I am ready for Christmas which will a little less hectic for me this year....With the passing of Joe and the arrival of my twin granddaughters, traditions will be changing and I am okay with it...I did every single Holiday dinner throughout the year for my family of 5 here for many, many years....And to be honest, it was a lot as I worked full time night shift. I will only be doing Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve dinner here this year and my son's new family that they waited so long for will be spending Christmas Day and New Year's day in their own home...I am GOOD with that and happy for them....I will be posting about it soon on my blog....
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  6. You are ever busy! My holiday will be quiet. The son and dil visit tomorrow. Otherwise it's just us and the cats. I should stock up as much as possible. You should feel good about yourself. You may be comfortable yourself, but you are there helping those in need. That is necessary and you are doing it.

  7. I have to tell you, Mary, I've been through a couple of pretty lean Christmases. I guess that's why, all these years later, gift giving is so important to me. I remember the times when I struggled for those gifts. I am lucky. You are lucky. Those people are lucky too, that you were able to help them. Merry Christmas.

  8. We are lucky to have roofs over our head and food to eat:) At the Clinic they now ask if you worry about food, or did you run out of food in the last month...not sure what they do if you say yes. How wonderful that you were able to help a number of people just before the holidays:) Merry Christmas Eve to you and your family!

  9. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  10. Your Community Service Work means so much to those going thru Trials, especially during the Holidays, and particularly if they're very Old or have very Young Children. Christmas can be quite overwhelming and stressful, I try to mitigate Holiday Stress and have it be Zen and more enjoyable than stressful for us all, it helps if you are able to manage it. Of coarse, having my Stupid Stroke, JUST days before Christmas was a Monkey Wrench thrown into my Simplified Stress Free Christmas, so, there's always the Zingers. *LOL* Hope what you planned out was successful and brought you fabulous Holiday Memories that made it all worthwhile my Friend?

  11. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and I hope all is well with you and family. This year has been crazy. I have spent more, way more because of things being so pricey this year. Others have had colds, and I have been around all of them, so mine will be probably a January surprise cold.
    Looking forward to your next post.

  12. Kudos to you for the work that you do with the less fortunate in our society. It is amazing that we can send rovers to Mars at incredible cost yet we can’t organize society here on Earth - or even take care of the planet for that matter. Best wishes for - 2025. Thanks from all of us for your dedication.

  13. I too was unusually stressed out this Christmas but it has been a bit of a year and Christmas ended up being a lot harder than I thought it would be without Joe....I usually keep a Christmas planner but this year, I sort of threw everything out the window as many traditions changed....But all is good, I am working on a new planner for next year...Hopefully, I will be better organized next year... I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that your trip to the hotel was great...
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  14. Your charity work means everything to the people going through a hard time. I’m glad you get to shop and not use a calculator.

  15. Wonderful that you are working in ways to support and uplift people in their time of need. I often feel guilty for what I have and am able to easily do, but then remind myself that we should not feel bad about it, what we should feel is anger at the systems in place and the politicians and billionaires and insurance companies, etc who keep so many people in debt and struggling to get through each month. They are the real scourge on society. And it's people like us who always wind up trying to right the wrongs.


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Miss Merry