Saturday, March 1, 2025

Disheartened and Disappointed.

Disheartened and Disappointed. And too heartsick and terrified to say more. The loss of our European Allies is something I never thought we would have to face. 

I have received the recipe for Week 4 of my god daughter's recipe challenge so I figured I should quickly share Week 3 which was last Saturday's dinner.  The cut of the week was sirloin steak and keeping our new quirk of two different interpretations, I followed the recipe and made a steak salad with homemade dressing and Mr. Merry ate his dinner "deconstructed", steak and lettuce separated and no berries on the salad since he doesn't believe in mixing food groups. 

My steak salad which was superb. 

It was an interesting Thursday at the charity office with a family whose mother is on unpaid sick leave, an adult son on SSI and a father who has trouble managing money on a good day. Losing half of the couples income is a struggle. The second family includes a tiny baby with a stay home mom. Dad was fired from his job and they have zero income for this month. It's not their first rodeo. The third client was a young man of 20 who lives alone with no family support. He has been ill with one or more of those viruses going around and missed two weeks of work (no sick pay).  This was his first time in this circumstance and he was convinced he would have to live in his car. I assured him that would not happen if I could help it and I came up with a plan of places to visit to help with the missing funds this month and I will call him Monday to see where he is and how much more he needs. He will be fine once he is caught up. 

Bathroom update: in anticipation of a possible project, I cleaned the spare room, took down one of the beds, put remaining holiday decorations away and the husband moved the supplies into the spare room to acclimate to the temperature indoors.  I cleared a bookcase in my bedroom and emptied the linen closet, medicine cabinet and shelves in the bathroom into the book shelves. This means every time I step out of the shower there is no towel to reach for. I believe I will remember to take one with me approximately 2 days before the project is completed. 

It was a busy week and maybe I will catch up with more soon but I did want to share the latest cast my grandson received at the orthopedist this week. And how jealous I am that I did not have a cast like that when my arm was broken. 

He may only be in this cast as few as two more weeks. And I am insanely jealous over how quickly those young bones can heal!  I know he is looking forward to joining his indoor soccer league before the season ends. 

Miss Merry