Monday, February 10, 2025

Starting the Week With Another ER Post

And that is what is known as "click bait".  The ER visit is in my living room and the patient needing stitches is this guy. 

This well loved family member that you may think is a monkey had started to unravel around the corners.  

My second oldest grandson (out of 8) had received a similar monkey without the blanket as an infant. He was extremely attached to "monkey" and when his cousin (#3 out of 9) was born, he gifted a similar monkey to him.  When the cousin's baby brother (we are at #5 of the 8) was born, his mother requested a cow from the same collection. This is guy is known as "cow cow".  So. When the second granddaughter was born and received a lamb - the lamb with an attached blanket, she named hers "cow cow".  And when her baby brother was born (my 10th grandchild and 8th grandson), he received a monkey with an attached blanket whose name is also "cow cow". 

Cow Cow survived the procedure and is resting comfortably with his friend Bear. 

This afternoon is my board meeting for my charity and I have dinner in the crock pot so I am very proud of myself. 

Tonight is my Murder Mystery Monday, a True Crime Podcast Club meeting at the library and I am very excited. We had suggested crimes local to our state and this has made the meetings more interesting since we are familiar with the surroundings. 

I missed the first meeting in September. The next two months were a serial killer who traveled from Indiana to Kansas and another serial killer from Texas. Both were unsolved. We increased in number from five at the first meeting, adding 2-4 each month.

I missed December which was a prominent case in my state. I would have loved to have studied it, but it was the day we returned from the resort and my brain was not functioning.  January was an unsolved case of a young man from the Cleveland area that took place in the 1970's.  

I am way to involved in the mind games of this club and for the first meeting I attended I had made a spreadsheet of all the crime details, the victims information, the police reports and information and possible suspects. Everyone loved it so now I make copies of my notes for everyone. We had to grab another 8 foot table from the basement to make room for everyone. 

Tonight will be another case from our state which has an eerie mystery attached.  I am personally skeptical of this clue, but I bet it will get a lot of conversation.  

We have been having a big turnover at our library for reasons I don't even want to know so we are on our third moderator.  I asked if we could look at murders closer to our area and the moderator was grateful. I have put together resources for a murder that occurred very close to us when I was in junior high. I only found 2 short podcasts, but there are 3 you tube broadcasts of local newscasts looking at unsolved cases. We will see what the group thinks. 

I also put together resources on a serial killer from a county close to us. One of the victims was from our county. He has been convicted of some murders, but there are questions on others.  My concern with this one is that there are a series of rapes that go along with the violent murders and I am not sure what the library will want to do with that. The group is currently adults with 2 older teens that come with parents.  So I will leave it up to them. 

Interesting, I just checked the listing and it says "18 and over, graphic detail" in the subscription. 

And tomorrow? It is ANOTHER field trip to Trader Joe's! We were ice covered and homebound all weekend. Today is thawing and tomorrow a friend has an appointment nearby so a group is going for the ride and the stop at Trader Joe's while grampa does the preschool car pool.  And then we are expecting another storm tomorrow night.  Please Mother Nature, no more snow days! 

1 comment:

  1. That is the best kind of ER visit. I'm glad you were able to handle the emergency. Love the names story too!
    Your murder mysteries sound a bit too close for home for me. I would be peering around corners as I drove home waiting for one of those uncaptured murderers to jump out at me.
    We are supposed to have snow tomorrow night, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. I don't think huge amounts, but snow, nonetheless. We haven't really had snow in over a year which is unheard of. As I've said before, the farmers are NOT happy. I would be okay if it rained everyday. I'd rather not have the slick roads.
    We ventured out to pick up prescriptions, to Costco for our monthly run and then to Walmart. I'm not sure why people think that Costco is cheaper than Walmart or the grocery store on lots of things. You may get more or a bigger package, but it costs an arm and a leg more. Believe me, I've price compared on the things I buy. We do get most of our meat there because it's much better, but those prices go up every month too. We're going to be on a forced diet soon.


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Miss Merry