Thursday, February 6, 2025

What? Already?

 Yes, it is two posts in a row. 

Today we woke up to our world encased in ice. Almost everything was closed so all the grandkids were iced in with their own parents. Whoo hoo. 

But it was my full day in the church office so my husband thawed my car and drove me to work. It was a pretty quiet day due to roads and weather and he returned to pick me up. 

An interesting fact I learned today was that a large low income apartment complex in our area's base rent is $1400 if you do not qualify for metro or housing assistance.  Gosh forbid you get a better job and earn too much.  $1400.  And our minimum wage here is $10 per hour.  If you work 40 hours a week, you would gross $1600 before taxes.  My mind is in knots.

We are due for more eggs from my lesbian farmer who charges me $3.  I feel like she is my dealer.  I am baking some chocolate bread for her as a tip.  And yes, the $3 includes delivery. 

The fire is out and my friend has lost almost everything. There was a brief period when firefighters first arrived where they had her point into the far side of the barn house, where the residence was, and went and retrieved some personal items. 

The firefighter who slipped off the roof, fell another story and landed on the driveway dislodging his helmet (I saw a personal video) is doing okay. He was treated and released at our local hospital and is resting at home. The chief expects him back to work soon. 

My friend is the most perky and positive person you could ever meet. She was interviewed by the newspaper and was full of thanks for all the firefighters, EMS, and law enforcement who had to block roads from onlookers who were blocking access to the site for other fire departments and units heading to town for hydrants and to trade out firefighters and fill air tanks. She is filled with gratitude that no lives were lost.  They do plan to rebuild. There is a chance a wood burner in the shop started the fire. 

Between down time at church and a quiet early evening, I am two and a half hours into my crime podcast homework for our club meeting Monday.  I need to finish so that I can call the answering machines for all my state and federal representatives and governor's office before 9 pm when I watch Matlock. 

If the ice melts and it looks clear, we have a pretty cool daycare field trip planned for tomorrow! 


  1. That fire... your poor friend. I'm glad for the firefighter though. Everytime you mention your lesbian farmer I smile, a good title and what you're paying for your eggs is unreal! They're 10.75 for 18 eggs at my grocery! Well Miss Merry, you sure keep yourself busy 😊

  2. Rent here is very high too. Makes it so hard for young couples to get started.
    That's a great price for eggs.
    Glad the firefighter is ok and kudos to your friend for keeping a good attitude. It does make a big difference!

  3. I'm glad to hear that no one was hurt seriously in the fire and your friend does sound like a very positive person and looking forward to rebuilding.
    We had freezing rain yesterday and overnight so Dennis drove me to my 8:00 appointment for a 11 vial blood draw. He took me out to breakfast to renew my strenght afterwards! Ha!
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. Terrible losing everything to a fire. So glad your friend is safe and will be able to rebuild. So good to hear the Fireman wasn't hurt any more than he was.
    Fredericksburg about 40 minutes from me had lots of ice, we were supposed to get ice and rain but just rain and thunder. Still plenty of winter left to get some snowy weather, I hope.
    Eggs for large grade A is $3.55 at Aldis. Price fluctuates but not seen them higher than that at Aldis. Price varies in that store.

  5. The town near us charges $1,000 per month for an apartment above a store. Imagine that. There are people charging $750 for a bedroom in their house. I truthfully don't know what the rents are around me since I only know what I see advertised, but I don't have any idea how anyone can pay that.
    We are supposed to get a snow storm with lots of snow this weekend. Color me happy. I will go bury my head in the snow.

  6. I cannot imagine how it feels to lose everything to a fire. Your friend is resilient. Good news about the firefighter. We had strong wind yesterday brrrrr.

  7. Glad you friend is upbeat and positive during this bad time. Rents are high as are heating costs:(

  8. I don't know how young people just starting out can afford the cost of living these days. No wonder so many are still living at home at 30. I don't see that getting any better in the near future either.

  9. Two Posts in a row, high five my Friend! Yes, Rents here surpass income too which is why all our Adult Kids and Adult Grandkids have had to live with us and there's little Hope they will ever have the income to move out no matter how many mega units are being built. I don't know who can afford them, but it isn't Locals, that's for sure. Glad your Friend with the Fire Loss is doing okay and holding up with maintaining gratitude that lives weren't lost even tho' objects were. It has to still be very hard tho' and a rebuild is costly and lengthy, so, she still has a lot to overcome. Glad the Fireman recovered from his fall, it's a dangerous job, my SIL of the Oldest Daughter does it, I couldn't imagine running into a burning building, you'd have to overcome every Natural Instinct NOT to.


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Miss Merry