Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Decisions Decisions

I have been looking at my nose more in the past seven days then I probably did in my entire 68 years on earth. Is it crooked? Is it not crooked? Is that a bump? Did it always have a bump? Has it always been crooked?

They moved my appointment from this morning to this afternoon and my husband was helping me debate. He said my nose looks perfectly fine and the bump I was feeling was always there and matched the bump that mirrored it on the other side. Maybe I have always looked like this. 

I told the doctor that now that the swelling was down, maybe I was just obsessing and it looks normal? She said "I can see how crooked it is from my side of the room."  And ordered an x-ray.  

It turns out it is fractured.  It is a mild fracture (I know this because I am reading the report online, not officially notified by the doctor's office yet.). I went to Dr Google and it seems like the choice will be mine. I can leave it crooked or maybe have it manually put back in place, hopefully under some sedation.  But my dreams of a complete nose job for free are gone, lol. 

I honestly don't care that my nose is crooked. But the bump (which is the bone) is where the nose piece for  my glasses rest on my nose. So I am leaning toward the decision of having them line up the nose if that is, in fact, offered as an option.  

I also wanted to share I have been visiting Lawyer Google and it seems in my state that rules prohibiting gun ownership in an assisted living facilities only apply to facilities with over 16 or 17 units.  This facility was smaller so those rules would not apply.  I still don't think firearms belong in any sort of hospital, care facility or assisted living but it is no longer a one day wonder in my community and no one is talking about it anymore.  


  1. I'm sorry about the nose. I'm sure they would give you some sort of sedation. They surely wouldn't set it without something to help with the discomfort.
    Whenever we went to my cardiologist in Spokane, where a LOT of people concealed carry, we would see a sign that said "Firearms prohibited beyond this point." Dennis always said, "Boy, that sure makes me feel better. The person intending to harm someone isn't going to leave his/her gun outside because of a sign. But, the law-abiding concealed or open carry person will and then there will be no one to protect us against the other guy."
    I'm conflicted on this, although when Mandy lived in Portland there was a shooting at the mall close to her house, in fact, she and Piper had just left the mall after seeing Santa. A citizen legally carrying a gun took the shooter down as he was still shooting at people in the mall! The police weren't there for another five minutes. How many could/would have been killed in those five minutes without that guy?
    I don't think there's an easy answer to this at all. It's a sad, sad, tainted world that we live in these days.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. I feel terrible for chuckling at your dilemma Miss Merry, but you shared this in that funny bent of yours (no pun intended)... it's amazing what we take for granted (like our noses) until this happens. As for those awful firearms laws... nothing surprises me anymore.

  3. I'm sorry to read about your nose. But that gun law? Nuts. That's just nuts.

  4. I am quite sure that the unique contours of your nose add character and charm to your face - so leave it alone would be my advice. It’s not interfering with your breathing - that would be a different issue.

  5. Aww no nose job? I had to chuckle on that. But getting it broken again to reset it? Ouch.
    Guns don't belong in Living Assisted places at all. I don't care what anyone says. Good guys with guns don't always make great choices either. I trained for 11 years as a gun carrying security officer. Often our instructor would tell us that in a shoot out, officers do make mistakes as well as non trained people.

    Enough of that.
    I hope you can get rid of the irritating bump. I know if the bump was in the way of my glasses, it would bother me.

  6. Have the nose fixed if the bump bothers you. Hope it doesn't hurt. I hate my Asian nose. But, I can't argue with God.

  7. Oh wow, it is always something and if you are like me, once your attention is drawen to something like, the bump on the nose, it seems you can't let it go. One day I looked in the mirror and wondered why the bridge of my nose looked wider than it had in the past. Then I started asking myself, had it always been wide. Then when I started to have issues with my eye lids making it hard to see since they had dropped, I realized that the drop is what had brought on the extra skin on the bridge of the nose, and I realized then, that was why the nose was wider! No, it had not always been like that which made me feel better cause I could not think I had missed that all my life. It was adjusted and fixed when I had to have my eyes fixed.

  8. My face plant in 2022 left me with a bump and a little bit of widening at the tip of my nose. I never did anything about it, so it's on me that I don't like it. Hopefully you can get it straightened. I am not a fan of the gun proliferation in the US.

  9. You do what you think is best in the long haul, if that bump is where your glasses sit...that may be the deciding factor. Yes they should give you lots of anesthesia!!

  10. We have a guy living in my building who I suspect has a gun. He's a MAGA supporter and before moving here he had a collection of over 100 guns and management wouldn't let him move them in, offered his money back but his kids told them they'd keep his guns at their houses. I can't believe someone with 100 guns would give them ALL up.

    Your poor nose!

  11. How did I miss your last post about the shooting, black eyes and crime podcast? I recall how it was, back in June of 2018, when a Fire Captain was shot and killed while responding to a fire alarm at the Covenant Manor senior housing complex in Long Beach. Incidents like that, and the one you posted about, makes me surprised that, what with the management we have around here, some tenant hasn't gone 51/50 and done the same. Sorry that the fall is having such consequences. A fall at a certain age is no joke. I've seen it cause a complete turnaround in the lives of what were previously active seniors. Good luck on whatever you decide about the nose. That crime podcast sounds like so much fun. I'd much rather that than bingo.

  12. I agree with you that fire arms should be prohibited in any healthcare facility and I do beleive Pa, does prohibit that... People in assisted living could have dementia and the fact that they own a firearm would scare me to death....I have a neighbor who I think is developing dementia and I know he owns a shoot gun...That scares me to death....I was punched in the nose by accident as a kid. The guy in front of me ducked and I got punched... My nose is croaked and i have a small bump which causes my glasses to be crocked....I have lived with it for over 62 years now so I am good with it!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog


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Miss Merry